real.geizterfahr: It's "harassment" to click the "Invite to friends" button? Wow!
dtgreene: When you do it to someone who:
* Has already declined friend request from you
* Who has blocked you in chat
And when you do it repeatedly, then yes, it is harassment at that point.
Just ignore it as the person said.....if you don't decline it they can't resend it.
Also report them perhaps?
JudasIscariot: Hi guys,
It has come to my attention that there are a few issues that may need to be looked at and ironed out with the forum. I am basing this statement on my experience from PMs from forum members concerned with their rep and your experiences that I read about here on the forum itself.
So let's talk:
What would you like to see in the GOG forum?
What would you change, what would you keep the same?
In short, feel free to express your opinion on your experience with the forum in general and what you think can be done to improve or enhance the experience :)
richlind33: You think it might be possible for GOG to delete accounts that aren't used for buying games?
Since you haven't followed through on getting rid of the rep system, getting rid of duplicate accounts would help to achieve a modicum of fairness.
I think 1 alt is fair as a backup in case one needs it for some reason(loss of access perhaps)....others should be cut off, though, if they have no bought games.
PookaMustard: To Dear JudasIscariot from Five Years Ago:
Please tell GOG to axe the rep system. I can tell you that five years later, it's worthless, except it looks awful and is mighty annoying when posting links!
Also, make a subforum for Mafia. No, not the Mafia game series (and GOG will receive them later, don't worry), but rather a subforum for forum Mafia.
Thank you!
PookaMustard from Five Years Into the Future
And perhaps a subforum for hot topics some dislike on GOG...that way they can ignore them and not feel the need to downrate them....posting to such would be optional of course, in my ideal version of such.