gamesfreak64: Sorry to hear that, i didnt know it was that bad, then again i avoid news and other info on our radios and tv channels as much as possible, cause it will only make me sleep bad, i only know what i heard from rumors , and rumor has it that shit is really hitting the fan everywhere at the moment.
I do know that shit has always been on the globe, for centuries, but i also know that if i compare 20th century to the good old 80s , i prefer the 80s far better, then all the crap that is happening now.
tinyE: I really don't want to talk about anything serious right in light of other shit happening in here, but since I have your attention, what are the gun laws in the Netherlands? I know about about most of Europe but not you fine folks, of which my Great Grandfather was one.
okay we the netherlands basically wont allow everyone to carry guns, maybe with a special permit you can, but our govs claim that people wont be able to get guns that easily.
So now you might think omg nice country, the bad thing is: the bad people who hurt and kill others, do have guns and they are able to get them very easily, the common man however is a sitting duck.
We are understaffed concerning police, we have a army thats nonexistent, our prime minster Rutte has no backbone, and our vvd government is basically a big hoax....
So dont believe all the gut menschen that claim netherlands is utopia, cause we are not...
the only people that are satisfied are the people with big income, other then that we have many people who have to get food everyday.
So its not all milk and honey in the netherlands and our govs have no own will , and bend to the EU.
english version check this and read... and many of the things that might sound positive are not, cause we know that our govs coverup...
finally i assume you know of the big Brexit? other EU countires that have other referendums and many more bad things that wont be coverd on the news cause its all covered up by EU.
Britain supposedly allowed to have a vote: but, if they vote out, oh boy they will get punished
so democracy is more like demockracy :D one letter differs making it a whole differnt word.
Anyway there seems to be a movie brexit the movie, i havent seen it yet cause afterall its for britain, although i would be able to understand what they are telling.
Ofcourse there are sides: FOR and AGAINST or leave stay whatever they call it.
The netherlands has some big pro's: we seem to be the number 2 in freedom of press we can see litterlaly almost anything :D , so we rule in that , we can say even more in media then US ... :D
but dont be fooled by the sides that are too pro EU cause they think its like the hippies time: were all people walked with funny clothes and had peace.
In short: you have to live in a country for a few years and then you can see whats going on, and even then it all depends on in what part you arrive, its like in the 50s with the east and west germany , depending in where you live or reside (thats the same thing i guess) to be able to notcie whats going on cause evryone will talk in fasvor of what they like themselves and will always say the others are wrong.
For me its simple : i am in the middle, like malcom in the middle but differnt
i am not pro or against i am neutral: i dont want the pro shit and i dont want the against shit, i want the netherlands of the 80s back,.
We got used to the Eu coin, so its not bad having that, but the idea of making laws from Brussels is too much, EU members have no saying and most if not all actions made by EU arre irreversible once they are done.
So basically we should go back to EEC, where we trade, are friends and live in good harmony, basicallly like mr farage always tells.
June 23th would be the vote, so thats wht our dutch government pushed some referndum to take place way after june23th, cause maybe that result might influence some outcomes .