nightcraw1er.488: If its for historical reasons, then it would be best to get a release to so anyone can use it, and avoid the whole "whose making money" part of the equation. Gog aren't here as historians, they are here to make money, plain and simple.
Epitaph666: Well, i see GOG also as historians of Gaming.
Otherwise why did they get in the trouble of bringing us games like Dragonsphere, The Hugo Trilogy or even the Game that Should not Be Named (by John Romero). A game that everyone loves to hate.
Like it or not GOG brings us games from all the eras and games that many don't care about. But others do. And i'd like the original devs to get some money for their work back then.
They really aren't though. If they were then where is all the Z80, BBC, Amiga etc. games? The simple fact is they are a shop, they will only bring things here that they can either a) make money directly from, or b) entice people in who may buy in the future. Dragonsphere is a freebie available almost everywhere, so it makes sense for them to offer it to bring people in. Daikatana and hugo, irrespective of the reviews seem to still be popular.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them coming here, but personally I wouldn't want to pay the £4 or $5 that they would need to sell them for, and I don't see any commercial viability for the enterprise of license aquisition, building and testing installers, support etc.