dtgreene: Realism is over-rated. A game should be playable ... that the game isn't realistic.
Right, there's a time and place for everything. My reason for making this game is to address shortcommings i'm seeing in other games. There's way too many hard-line restrictions and not enough organic restrictions. Notice your examples, you have counter examples. For mechanics like weapon decay, it should matter what kind of target you're hitting. Are you hitting a really soft target (like butter?) or are you hitting a really hard target (like stone)? A realistic way of handling weapon decay, especially with realistic parameters, could be made in a way that's still fun. If i have a pretty sharp sword with a solid material, and my opponent is defending with his axe, i should be able to break his axe in a few swings if it's got a wooden handle, and vice versa. Now if i'm trying to beat a slime with said sword, it should really do little damage to the sword or the slime.
The trick is, is it, as you said, actually integral or is it tacked on as a gimmick? And, is it intuitive? People don't sit there playing morrowind thinking about when their sword is going to break, and then it does. Naturally, this doesn't feel right at all. If your sword is being used to hit alot of hard targets, maybe it should slowly get duller and duller, prompting you to sharpen it, rather than completely breaking on you without warning. Maybe if the handle's getting loose from all the hard object beating, maybe it should make some noise or feel wobbly or something to properly warn that something's wrong.
Maybe the problem isn't the realism, but the attempt to be realistic without actually being realistic. The player should be faulted for their own choices, and also gain benefits from making smart choices. Some people certainly do want more, while other people are more interested in the simple mario. There seems to be a pattern, though: people want something that's simple to get into, but has enough complexity to reward the investment into the deeper side of things. Most "mediocre" games fail in the latter, but then you have games like Nethack or fighting games that fail on the former.
You're talking about a significant amount of simulation to be done in the game. This may not be the best choice for a few reasons:
* It's extra work to implement this.
I think this is over-estimated. I'm specifically choosing my interface for this reason. I had all kinds of ideas for games i could make that solve shortcommings: X and Minecraft hybrid, a better Terraria, and this idea. It comes down to what is reasonable for the interface. For example, my game plans on simulating romance, sex, etc. Obviously if i'm doing 2d or 3d graphics, this is going to be way, way too much work. However, since i'm using text for a tile-like interface, this isn't actually unreasonable. Moreover, intelligent creatures will all be based on one another. So a bandit will contain the same villager AI with some minor changes, like having a separate faction. Same with a vampire: it's just a villager that hates the sun and has a need for blood, and maybe has some special innate skills. A mummy is a zombie with a wrapping. Sure, implementing the villager will be alot of work, but on the flip side, I'm going to be recycling alot.
* There's a significantly greater bug surface. Your simulation could very well have bugs, and the wrong bug could make the game rather un-fun, like having too many enemies or the occasional enemy that's far stronger than what would be considered reasonable.
I'm building a game i want to play, not one i plan on selling. I plan on making it such that there are always reasonable steps to take in every situation. Nethack is a classic example in this regard. It always seems hard, unfair, and unreasonable, but someone who has played it for a long time will tell you that, if you're relying on the RNG to give you a good result to save you from death, you're not playing smart at all. Meanwhile, the RNG is often more reliable than it always seems to be: mathematically speaking, if you eat something that is only dangerous to eat 10% of the time, it's going to catch up with you, and you'll hit that 10%. If you're seeing scary things, you should not be engaging, and can often worry about it later. This also means that i'm going to get alot of play-testing prior to release (which allows me to play with the ranges). I'm trying to build a simulation and eco-system that more or less plays itself, and you're merely just another part of it messing with it. Look at the success minecraft has had with this mentality.
* I personally don't like having the world change just because I decided to take time to do something else.
Yet the overwhelming complaint i hear all the time from people is that "my choices in the game are just shallow and don't really make a difference." I certainly understand the feeling. Obviously you won't be my target audience, if you're afraid of harsh consequences. However, the bandit's not going to get very far in levels if it kills off the nearby village. Meanwhile, if villagers are getting killed all the time, they might try to go search for the camp, or lay traps for the bandits that get them killed. If you miss out on the reward for bringing the head of the bandit, that's your own problem. The village will likely try to take care of itself, as will the bandit camp if you find a way to join them.
In the game I'm thinking of making, the world will either:
* Be static (most likely case, because it's less work)
* Change only with scripted events
* Be treated like Zelda: Majora's Mask; scripted events happen with the passage of time, and the world will end if you take too long, but there's a way to reset the clock and the world.
I'm certainly not your target audience. The thing i hate the most is a doomsday counter in a game. Perhaps, though, we're looking at different levels of importance for characters, as well. My vision is that a player can have any level of importance on the world that they want. If they just want to live life as a slave, that's their choice. If they want to be a hermit that's their choice. Maybe they're the blacksmith that makes equipment for adventurers that might try to try their luck slaying the nearby dragon. Or, maybe you just want to kill the king and take his place. If the world ends, it's because of you, not because you didn't do something. Maybe, though, you just make the world a better place to live in: you establish the world's first cities protected by an armed guard, a nice defensive wall you built, with a library of skill books to be proud of. Maybe you take that city and make it full of just vampires. Maybe it's just demons. Maybe it's all from a certain religious order. Maybe in your city you have peace between the vampires and the religious order. Maybe you take your city and turn it into a massive empire which can rule with an iron fist or exists solely to topple tyrants. Your personal alliances will affect how those people act (for example, if you befriend mostly peaceful people, natural selection will keep things peaceful if you are a ruler).
You, on the other hand, have a "chosen one" design. Of course, because there are cataclysmic events, they must be hard-scripted, and there must be some compulsion to keep the player on the rails, even if it's "open world." Because of the cataclysmic nature of the events, player choice is fairly limited, because there's only so many outcomes to these fairly limited and dramatic events. That's fine, too, but I think that market's pretty well saturated already.
Then how am I going to get dragon meat for my monsters? I would really like my monsters to get some breath attacks, and possibly even become dragons themselves, so how should I go about doing this?
(I don't like it when abilities like breath weapons are enemy exclusive; in the game I'm thinking of making, the player *will* be able to get access to breath attacks. After all, you can get them in some SaGa games (1-3 and Frontier, though Frontier is the only one where it's really obvious, also a character in RS:MS gets some I believe), and in some Dragon Quest games (5-7 all give you a way to get a controllable character with a breath attack).
If you really wanted to, i'm sure you could seek them out. Eventually, you might find that dragons really like high places. If you want to take on the dragon, as a food source, you want to make sure that the dragon camp has managed to grow enough, otherwise you're not likely to get much dragon meat before making them extinct for the X number of chunks. As the dragons will likely be intelligent, but non-mamillian, maybe you might be able to barter with a dragon camp if it seems friendly, for alternative ways of accomplishing. Perhaps they can teach you certain skills in exchange for providing them with meat instead of them having to come down and hunt for themselves. If they're hostile, maybe you can earn enough money to buy a small team of mercenaries that will help you take on a dragon camp, or maybe it's only 1 dragon.
But, I was thinking that fire breathing should be limited to certain species. If you want tame dragons, you could polymorph allies/pets, you could try to recruit dragons from more friendly means, etc. Odds are, though, that you're not going to just charge at a dragon with a fresh character. They're big creatures, with strong abilities, and they might be big enough to swallow you in a single bite. Obviously you'll need some armor that can resist what ever breath skills it has, and you'll probably want to cast magic or shoot arrows from afar rather than try to take on the great strenth of the dragon up close. Good enough armor will protect you from it pouncing on you or killing you in a single swipe of it's claws.