I'm having a problem with blacklisting files and I'm not sure if I don't understand something or the problem is caused by an odd case. Witcher 2 has two installer files for Linux marked as beta quality. After some reading and a bit of trial an error the summary of what I've tried is below.
Created a new text file named:
blacklist.txt in
/home/username/.config/lgogdownloader Used to get the file details and paths:
lgogdownloader --list-details --game the_witcher_2
Written in blacklist.txt:
Rp witcher_2_ee/linux/beta/gog_the_witcher_2_assassins_of_kings_1.1.0.5.tar.gz
Rp witcher_2_ee/linux/patch/gog_the_witcher_2_assassins_of_kings_patch_1.1.0.5.tar.gz
Rp the_witcher_2/extras/the_witcher_2_ost_flac.zip
tested with:
lgogdownloader --list-details --game the_witcher_2
the_witcher_2_ost_flac.zip no longer appears in the output so appears to be successfully blacklisted, but the beta installers are still showing. Is the issue that they are listed under "
patches:" with the path
witcher_2_ee/ and this is something that lgogdownloader can't handle? or should the lines in blacklist.txt be edited differently in this case?