AlanWWade: I stopped buying from GOG as they came out among the dearest. There are loads of game sites that are much cheaper.
Same here, too :( To be honest, I don’t buy many new games nowadays because I don’t have much time or motivation to play and I focus on what I already have, but the end of the Fair Price Package (FPP) sometimes makes a big enough difference that I will buy elsewhere (and I only buy from legit platforms).
As I anticipated, I think that GOG has lost more money from me than if they had kept their FPP. It would help if at least GOG updated the prices from time to time according to the exchange rates for games that have a fixed regional price, but that never seems to happen, so if your currency goes up in value, the games will be more expensive still.
In Switzerland, for games whose pricing is unfair, we are usually penalized twice over because the price we get is like the already higher price in EUR, which is then converted to CHF with a too high exchange rate. The pricing is also sometimes inconsistent between games of a same publisher.
Furthermore, even though GOG seems to more or less copy Steam’s prices (at least initially), there are games here that are more expensive than on Steam.
It seems to me that GOG either doesn’t care about small countries like anzial suggested, or that they don’t have the time to keep track of the prices and adjust them
Between the bad pricing and the problems with delayed or missing updates or content, and some games that are not so DRM-free anymore, I now think twice before buying on GOG