Xixit, one of my personal favorite games you can't get anywhere since the company went under...
dtgreene: I'd argue that, if it's possible to find a working system that can run the game, even if such systems are no longer produced, then the game is not lost. It may not be easy to acquire and play, but it's still *possible*, which is what matters for purposes of this definition.
And emulation is getting better and better. I saw a piece on using a Pi to run MS-DOS in full emulation properly and it was going at something like 200Mhz equiv, vs just DosBox. Then again i remember seeing a '
properly 100% accurate emulated SNES chip' would take a 2-4Ghz cpu. I'd assume that has to do with proper timing of each instruction and not the effect of said instrucitons.
I wish they'd look at some things longer term than their quarterly profit margins...