darthspudius: Why'd you buy them if you weren't going to play them?
Because they were discounted now, as opposed to not being discounted few months from now?
And to answer the OP's question, who knows?
If you haven't downloaded those games, and then download them later and they turn out to be not working for you, I guess there might be a chance of some kind of compensation or replacement. Maybe. Most of the time GOG is nice to their customers, so I'm sure they would try to look into it at least.
Of course in most businesses whatever guarantee period they have, it starts to tick from the moment you make the purchase. If you buy a gaming laptop with 12 months guarantee, and you start using it six months from now, you have already spent six months of the guarantee time when you first boot up that computer.
In the end, only GOG knows, I think even they don't have a stock answer to that, but rather go case by case.
It should also be remembered that GOG keeps constantly updating their games, improving compatibility, fixing issues, bringing games to new platforms (Mac, Linux), and adding new localisations, so if the game isn't working for you first, it may work after some future update. I personally had this experience with Broken Sword 5, it had a major glitch of some kind, but then GOG uploaded a new version, and the game was playable.