Ozimandeus: The intellectual cowardice of that statement is beyond measure.
Vainamoinen: Will you make an actual argument somewhere down the line ... ?
Because, frankly, we have more than enough people here trying to get threads closed on purpose so they can feel like martyrs.
There is, absolutely, a point to be made here concerning the inevitability of contemporary politics in contemporary narrative art. But you're not making it.
Not trying to get thread locked at all.. I've been told that will happen no matter what I do so <shrug>. Remember all I'm asking for is metadata.. i.e. Country of Origin. For example. Atom Rpg is currently on the store, it is a Russian game, as such I won't be getting it. I had to use:
https://ogdb.eu/index.php?section=titleslist&name=Atom+RPG&year=&country=&show=&system=&original=-1&Addon=-1&statusid=-1 ,to discover that.
NB: I am not calling for a boycott of that game, nor will I, I believe it is up to the individual to make the choice, but without that metadata, it is harder to make an informed choice.
It would have been nicer if I hadn't had to go there. and instead see a tag with 'Made in Russia' instead.
I never set out to make a point "...concerning the inevitability of contemporary politics in contemporary narrative art." I was just asking for a "Made in Europe" group/tag.
I would leave that to others who have far better brains than mine. I also would add, that discussion is likely to be better served on a Reddit group rather than on GoG.