Persival2207: King's Bounty? I'm going to go out on a limb and say this guess doesn't count since there are at least 8 [distinct] King's Bounty entries.
Updated list to make your eyeballs bleed:
Game # Name
ADOM 75 RickyAndersen
Anachronox 88 BenKii
Ancestor's Legacy 7 TheBigCore
Armello DRM Free Edition 62 Sulibor
Art of a Light in the Dark, the 68 TheDudeLebowski
ATOM RPG 90 stooner
Baldur's Gate (original) 86 paladin181
Blackwell Bundle 16 ConsulCaesar
Blackwell Epiphany 72 Sulibor
Chessmaster 9000 5 sanscript
Cossacks Anthology 39 truhlik
Crusader Kings Complete 21 ConsulCaesar
Crusaders of Might & Magic 65 LASER97
Crysis 73 ariaspi
Cultures 1+2 48 BranjoHello
Darksiders III Deluxe Ed 23 blotunga
Death Gate (1994) 60 Cadaver747
Disciples II: Rise of the Elves 69 BeatriceElysia
Dropsy 71 ZFR
DustforceDX 4 pkk234
Eador: Genesis 45 PaterAlf
Edna & Harvey: HNE 34 ariaspi
Elder Scrolls III: Morr GOTY (multiple)
Expeditions: Conquistador 70 Trid
Fallout (Interplay) 9 paladin181
FEAR Platinum 95 BenKii
Firewatch 100 truhlik
Fist Puncher 84 PaterAlf
Flashback 17 BranjoHello
Full Throttle Remastered 24 truhlik
Gabriel Knight: SotF 19 Moonbeam
Ghost of a Tale 33 ConsulCaesar
Gothic 22 Moonbeam
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 63 ConsulCaesar
Heroes of Annihilated Emp 91 bler144
Heroes of M&M (1) 97 bler144
Heroes of M & M 2: Gold 44 bler144
Heroes of M & M 3: Complete 57 bler144
Heroes of M & M 4: Complete 67 bler144
Heroes of M&M 5: Bundle 87 bler144
House Flipper 89 TheDudeLebowski
Jack Keane 2: tFW 42 Enebias
Jack Orlando 92 TheDudeLebowski
Kerbal Space Program 40 TheDudeLebowski
King's Quest 4+5+6 77 bler144
Krush, Kill & Destroy 2: Kr 102 bler144
LEGO Batman: tV 32 TheMonkofDestiny
Longest Journey, The 26 Moonbeam
Mafia II 58 TheMonkofDestiny
Majesty: Gold Edition 38 Sulibor
Might & Magic 1-6 Pack (multiple)
Might & Magic 7 (multiple)
Monster Prom 80 TheDudeLebowski
Mount and Blade 36 aRealCyborg
Mutant Year Zero 18 CervelloY<
Neverwinter Nights: EE (2018) 74 Cadaver747
Pathfinder: Kingmaker 76 TheMonkofDestiny
PC Building Simulator 56 TheDudeLebowski
Quake 4 85 ZFR
Recettear: AIST 41 TheMonkofDestiny
RiME 43 paladin181
Ruiner 79 sasuke12
Shadow Tactics: BotS -A&S 25 TheDudeLebowski
Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars 61 ZFR
Sunless Sea 13 gogtrial34987
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner 20 gogtrial34987
Sunless Skies 31 gogtrial34987
Sunrider Academy 66 gogtrial34987
Sunrider: Liberation Day CE 101 gogtrial34987
Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius 51 gogtrial34987
Terraria 81 Persival2207
TimeLapse 99 paladin181
Vampire: Masquerade - Bloodlines 83 Trid
Witcher 3, the: Wild Hunt 64 paladin181
Zeus + Poseidon (Acropolis) 49 ConsulCaesar