fr33kSh0w2012: G2A is a PIRATE SITE you got scammed and they got a hold of your CC details.
I'm amazed GOG hasn't Banned you for:
A.) Linking to a known pirate site.
B.) Having the balls to come out and ADMIT you did.
C.) Dogging GOG for your own stupid mistake.
For as often as you are down rated, and sometimes deserve to be, this deserves all the up votes.
AceOfHearts2020: This morning someone stole $ 100 from my credit card four times. Comment on the transaction is "SteamPowered". A few days earlier I registered on which resulted in GOG Galaxy loading. I just installed Avast and it turns out that the malware is in a file loaded from Take care and don't be robbed. No downloads from GOG.COM!!!
Wait, you bought a STEAM GLOBAL key from a known scam site, got a GOG key instead, and you are worried about GOG?