Rafaru360: well, its more about saving money for more games, and also yeah, as a college student im broke af
if i buy a 20 dollars game in mexican steam it says it costs 250 pesos
if i buy it 20 dollar game changing pesos to dollars in a local bank or something it will cost me 360 pesos, i can buy undertale with that money
just sayin'
Maxvorstadt: Hey, no offense intended, I was just kidding. :-)
But out of curiosity: How much does an average Mexican earn in a month and how are the costs for living? I mean housing, food and all dat.
dont worry, i didnt take it that way and it also is the truth ahahhahaha
well, a person with minimum wage can get around 800 pesos in a week working like 10 hours a day
renting a house costs from 1500 to 2500 pesos because of private companies making a lot of houses and people mindlessly renting them
the food is getting more expensive by week, a kilo of cucumber costs around 50 pesos where i live
and it also doesnt help that one of the big problems mexico is currently having is that our public water and electricity provider's bills can go completely nuts, there are stories about poor people who barely use electricity who get bills near 5000 pesos
i hope i answered to your curiosity correctly :) ... bad times all around the globe man :/
Lin545: Mexican food is awesome ! =)
tinyE: "Mexican Food" isn't Mexican Food. :P
I'm sure our new friend Rafaru would be inclined to agree with me here.
yeah, mexican food that serve in other countries (i have only visited USA so take it with a grain of salt) is really different, but in a good and weird way
i have noticed that taco bell serves tacos that in mexico would be called "tacos dorados" because they are fried, in mexico tacos are served in just a hot tortilla all greasy and all
i think its because they used our food as a template and tried to make it clean and first worldish
and the list goes on, but well, atleast it still tastes great :L