Impecea: Just want to add, I think one of the main reasons why people still migrate to Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord is because of the modding community (although there are indeed exceptions such as Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) and the first Dawn of War). With Bannerlord, most probably the major modders from Mount and Blade Warband will move to Bannerlord and begin to create mods for the Bannerlord's player base. Even if what you said is indeed true and that Bannerlord is only a few minor steps forward from Warband, the idea of being left behind with mods that are no longer updated by their owners is quite a sad experience and huge motivation for people to leave Warband and start playing Bannerlord.
nightcraw1er.488: Yes, no doubt. Just a look on moddb shows a lot of big mods already being planned and sketched out. Which is a good thing, but I do feel we will need warband for quite some time yet before there is a mass move. There are a lot of huge TCs, even from original M&B which will just never get updated now. Prophesy of pendor was talking about going independant.
I suppose one question would be, will the more official content be migrated, Viking conquest for instance.
Anyways, as the two are so similar, I don’t see there being too much issues migrating over.
Edit, thinking more about this. Perhaps it should be thought of more as a platform. In this way taleworlds could provide upgrade paths from previous versions. I haven’t as yet looked at the files, but things like text files should be directly portable, just a structure change maybe? It’s only the hints like models and textures which might be an issue, perhaps AI texture upscaling. Looks like a lot of the animations are direct ports. Maybe one me of the moders will push out some documentation out.
That would actually be a great idea. Perhaps, that will be in the form of a DLC which everyone is more or less inclined to buy. I mean, with your idea, the modding community wouldn't have to undergo a slow separation towards Bannerlord. Heck, knowing that (forgot the name of the mod) there was one mod for Warband that was already experimenting with different siege engines, this texture upscaling you mentioned will make Warband almost like Bannerlord. However, even if your suggestion were to be added in the future, I think it would take about several years from the end of Bannerlord's early access, as releasing such a huge texture overhaul DLC might just rob the sales from Bannerlord's. But one way or another, that texture upscaling idea will definitely earn TaleWorlds with more sales if done correctly.
If TaleWorlds were to still trying to weigh down the option behind such DLC, then maybe they could see the DLC as merely a graphical improvement to the current graphics of Warband, where the rest of the new features in Bannerband the modders can try to find ways to implement those features in Warband themselves, know how talented Mount and Blade modders already are.
And maybe if the modders were to be the first one to make the move, then it would be like Star Wars Battlefront III Legacy where the Star Wars Battlefront 2's (2005) graphics are basically altered to the ones used in the canceled Star Wars Battlefront 3. Still, if TaleWorlds could take the initiative, that would be a lot better.
Link: P.S.: I'm not sure why, but your idea gives me hope lol. Someone needs to run a petition, quick!