FulVal: Not here... and i have re-installed that many, many times... tested both offline and galaxy versions
This is Windows issue and cannot be fixed for CD music. Only MIDI or ogg. One of the restrictions Microsoft made back in the days of SP2 for Vista.
It not needed for Quake 1 because it OK when music change after loadings and at few... literally one minute be silent. Quake 2 have music in OGG and no have issues... and again, even that awesome music should be sometime silent.
Anyway. GOG cant fix anything on their side not for any mentioned here games. They choose cue+bin(.gog) disk image for Quake 1 for better DosBox compatibility (although DOS not support AudioCD and play midi instead).
GOG keep needed dll (_winmm.dll) and MUSIC folder. Use VLC Media Player and grab music from game.cue file to ogg trakcs, put it to MUSIC folder and rename winmm.dll.
One of the solutions:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=113399618 (make sure to download actual versions from of.sites)
Another one - DxWnd. Current version also have audiocd wrapping (as many other thins as well).