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I'm in for Oblivion.

I suppose when I retire I'll be old enough to get discount movie tickets... so, that's
good I guess.

+1 for the giveaway!
Congratulations on retirement :)
In for Battle Brothers.

Tbh Im not even sure if I ll live long enough to get to retirement season. But if I will... it strongly depends on how life will go till this moment. I mean - the current me would probably enjoy sitting home, accompanied by the huge backlog of videogames, films and books. But thats just coz Im young adult without anything else :D Hard to tell yet
Congrats on your retirement and thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

I'm in for Oblivion. :)

What will your plans be after your retirement?
Post edited June 24, 2019 by Vingry
congrats on this achievement!
not in.
Congrats on the retirement!

I'm in for Tower of Time.
Congrats! I hope you'll enjoy your retirement! You are probably one of last generations that'll have the chance to enjoy retirement. If by some chance our Mother Earth is not destroyed and civilized society is not collapsed when I come to retirement age I would love to travel, do some charitable work and enjoy some hobbies.

I'm not in. I'm moderately interested in Expeditions Vikings, but it is better that the game goes to someone who will actually find time to play it.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by xalegra
Congrats on the retirement.

IN for Fallout New Vegas.
GameRager: NOT IN, but thx for the gesture to everyone here. :)

Also enjoy your free time now that you're retired. :D

There's an earth city called Hobbiton? o.0
direspirefirewire: It’s not exactly a city

Some pictures (not my website)
Cool...nice find and info. :)
I'm in for Fallout 3.

Congrats on your retirement, I hope you'll have fun doing what you want. To be honest I have no idea what I will do when it's my turn to retire lol
NOT-IN, but thanks for the wonderful give away.

Hope you enjoy your retirement and have many wonderful years of health and happiness. :)

Not in, but thanks for the giveaway . :)
Sit back and relax with a beer as every day is a public holiday....Not in.
What I think I'll do... well, bonding with nature and pets.
Wearing shirts that says: "I'm finally D̶R̶M̶-̶free!"
Also, each time a friend of mine dies, I'll play the music "Another One Bites the Dust".
(But seriously though, I hope most of them would be still be kicking when we get there.)
Lastly, if my blurry eyes, shaky hands, and aged-reflexes still permit me, then I'll still probably be gaming.

I'm in for Anno 1701.
Thanks and happy retirement.
+1 for the giveaway!

Considering I just got my first job, retirement is a long way off. What I would look forward to, is not having to get up in the morning, and not having responsibilities.

I'm in for Fallout 3.