gogtrial34987: Your post is number #89 in this thread. That means that at most there's 88 people in for this giveaway at this point (in reality it's fewer). Doc also said that there might be more games coming. In his previous giveaway, he managed to gift a game to all but a handful of people who entered
This giveaway doesn't work on a first-come, first-served basis. Everyone has a week to enter. Only then will games be distributed, with participants sorted in a random order, and their top game that's still available given (which means that someone entering now has as much chance of getting a specific game X as the very first person to ask for it).
1) LOL = It was a joke. But if you wanna take it "seriously" let's do it. Right now there's 138 posts. So let's say 120 people are asking for something. "In reality" it's far far worse since there's A LOT of guys in here asking for DOZENS of games (seriously, why are they here if apparently they never buy ANYTHING!? But I digress...), so there's probably a request for...400-600 games, total. And yes, IK it's only 1 game per user but that doesn't change the fact that there's a lot of requests.
2) You're talking about a 165 titles giveaway...for a "measly" 214 posts/applicants. So 165 for 214. Roughly 30% more people than games. Considering the fact that not all the posts are asking for something those are sweet numbers.
Now...you have only 67...for 138. Roughly 106% MORE people than games. And he hasn't closed the GA yet. So the posts keep piling up. Maybe now you can see things through my PoV?
And he said "more games
may be added through the week". He never promised anything. So this may be all there is.
TL;DR: I just made a dumb joke and was curious to know how this whole thing works and why he hasn't done anything yet. That's all. No need to take it so seriously, my man.
Have a nice day.