Does it have anything to do with Heretic Kindgdoms Inquisition and Shadows-Heretic Kingdoms? Looks interesting!
Leroux: GOG only?
Regarding Diablo-clones:
How about
Victor Vran and
Van Helsing? From what I recall Van Helsing is a bit similar to Titan Quest, while in Victor Vran there is no true character build and almost everything is based on equipment, so you can switch between builds by switching equipment. It's also a bit more arcade-y, your charcater can even jump and dodge roll, IIRC, and there are bonus objectives about defeating enemies as quickly as possible etc.
There's also
Kult/Heretic Kingdoms and
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. The specialty in those is that each area has two layers and you can constantly switch between the regular world and the spirit world. The second game adds a range of different characters to that that you can switch between. Character builds are a bit limited, and in the first one you can only play as a female character, if I'm not mistaken, in case that bothers you.
Throne of Darkness gives you seven characters, and you can build a party of four while the other three are sitting on the substitute's bench, so to speak, waiting to be replaced. Of the four in your party you control one, while the others are controlled by the AI, but you can constantly switch between who's under your control.
Lesser known alternatives: Vikings: Wolves of Midgard, Din's Curse, Inquisitor (a bit slow for my taste and not that well translated or written, but it mixes ARPG with story like Divine Divinity), Ember, Kyn (both use a slow motion variant of real time with pause combat, IIRC), Revenant (IIRC uses keyboard in addition to mouse, a bit like Nox but a little blander).
I'm not recommending one over the other, as it's pretty much a matter of taste, but those are the ones you could look into.
Regarding 3D hack and slash action:
Maybe the
Legacy of Kain series?
Oh, and
Deathtrap Dungeon, although I can't vouch for it being good.
And approximatively, Gothic and Risen, or Oblivion, although you'd also get a lot of RPG and dialogue with the third person 3D combat.
Wow, lots of stuff! I got Victor Vran, so i might need to check on Van Helsing! Been hearing lots of good things on it, since years ago. The Heretic Kingdoms look interesting and i also trust Star Chan, so in it goes, too!
I also own Legacy of Kain, minus the 1st which is still absent from gog. I will scope out Deathtrap Dungeon maybe, then. Thanks!
PainOfSalvation: On GOG there's
Exanima, but it's still in early development.
On other platforms you have
Path of Exile and
Warhammer: Chaosbane.
Maybe after it's completed, to avoid mishaps like with that other game, which got removed in alpha state! Only GOG!