I use lots of F-Droid apps.
Vinyl Music Player - it allows you to browse via folder structure, but it isn't the default, and in browsing the preferences, it doesn't appear that you can make it the default.
Etar - Fantastic calendar application. Looks good, very configurable, does what I need a calendar to do.
Simple Contacts - Like Etar, looks good, and does what I need a contacts app to do.
Simple Gallery - Very powerful gallery app considering the size. Pretty configurable, does basic photo editing, looks good.
AntennaPod - Great podcast application.
Amaze File Manager - Great file browser. Similar to Solid Explorer, but free and open source.
Open Launcher - Great open source launcher. IMHO, it's the best open source launcher out there. Lawnchair is a close second, but they've been a little pokey at keeping the F-Droid version of Lawnchair coincident with the Play store version.
FairEmail - Modern email client. I used K-9 for years, and really like K-9, but I like the interface of FairEmail better.
NetGuard - Proxy based network control. This app gives you per-application control of network access via wifi and / or data. Good for privacy - you can make sure that only the apps you want accessing the net can access the net.
Frost - Facebook client. Way less bloated than the stock facebook client.
NewPipe - YouTube client.
OSMAnd+ - Fantastic google maps alternative. Can be run completely offline by pre-downloading the map tiles. The search is a little clunky compared to google maps, but once you get used to it, it's ok. Based on OpenStreetMap data.
QKSMS - Open source texting client. Works very well.
Slide - Open source reddit client.
Post edited June 24, 2019 by hummer010