Posted June 20, 2016

I'm in NO WAY better than those dudes, bear that in mind. See, that's one issue when discussing stuff on the web. Common deal, no worries on that, man. Had my Disney share with Cold Shadow and all ;D
But I find somehow "frightening" when nowadays grownups in here/some other societies usually tend to demonize ya when you're clearly not into these type of flicks and tend to criticize the way our fellow morolf did.
I mean, it's that same old machiavellian relations portrayed in there; these movies are clearly "adopted" by -that's how he call 'em in here: kangaroo generation- adults who didn't want to leave or couldn't flee their folks nest and are somehow like pariah-esque folks, I mean, trying to live that regular joe adult life mixed with their internal child etc etc. Won't get to deep into that. I'm no psychologist :P
As for the kid me, and I say it personally, I was always (and still am, now that I have my own kids) into Dilbert, local 60s comics, books about fauna and flora, Lucky Luke, dictionaries, Tin Tin, Asterix, Where's Waldo and a ton more; but, thanks to mom, the exact same "kid me" was also into movies such as (no joke) The Last of the Mohicans, Ba wang bie ji, Babette's Feast, Solaris, Pelle the Conqueror, Like Water for Chocolate and the list goes on and on.
Weird, I know.
That's how my "inner child" kinda gathered all these remarkable (for me! :P) comics and flicks and set the tone for who I am today. Don't really know if these Disney flicks will somehow shape one's (an adult) way of seeing things or, better yet, improve it in any way but hey, that's just me!