Thank you all for your votes for the feature request and the remarkable number of constructive answers here in the forum - it seems that I am not the only one who feels that gog is really disappointing quite a lot of us when it comes to regularly updating offline installers!
RainbowDragon: How long until even "always drm free" will also be gone?
Ashleee: It won't :)
OK, thanks, I DO hope so - can I see that as written agreement between me as customer and you as gog representative, i. e. if you ever do introduce drm for your games I can then request a full refund for several hundred games I have bought from you :-)?!
GALAXY 2.0 aims to bring additional features, doesn't mean we are giving up offline installers.
... doesn't mean we are giving up offline installers.
... well, you may still provide offline installers but the time between the availability of offline installers and galaxy patches now shows a significant delay and that is no appreciated by those of your customers who prefer offline installers to galaxy updates!
Take "Thea 2" and "Fallen Enchantress - Legendary Heroes" as examples: there are obviously patches available for approximately 10 days but no updated offline installers... why do customers who paid the same full price for these games have to wait longer for their updates compared to those who use galaxy (or even other stores like steam)?
timppu: I am not currently using Galaxy (I don't see any reason to do so right now), yet I am not going to sign that feature request. Reason being that it seems to suggest that the offline installers should always be updated
at the very same time as the Galaxy version.
I am a realist, and I know that just will not happen, not with the current method they are doing it. Preparing and testing the offline installers most probably still involves some manual work (even if it was simply the correct naming of the installer files), so no, I am not really expecting they'd recreate a new offline installer also for some indev games that may be getting daily patches directly applied by the developer to the Galaxy version.
I might see that as a feasible request IF the "offline installer" generation was fully automated, probably on the client side. Which would mean that there would be no actual "offline installers" at all anymore, but instead you download a game with the Galaxy client, and then generate the "offline installer" yourself with a push of a button in Galaxy, e.g. it generates a zip file and an installer script for you, and that is your "offline installer". I wouldn't be surprised GOG went that way at some point. Naturally that would mean you couldn't necessarily download your GOG games with a web browser anymore, but would have to use the Galaxy client for it (for downloading only, not installing nor playing the game).
And before that can happen, they'd have to make Linux (and Mac?) versions of Galaxy as well.
If you are playing indev or other actively updated games, then I feel you really should use the Galaxy client, if not for another reason but autopatching. Offline installers often mean having to redownload the whole installer again, and reinstalling the whole game. Who wants to do that daily anyway?
In general I agree of course that they should update also the offline installers... at some point. Hopefully sooner than much later. I'm even fine with the idea that they sometimes skip some minor updates on the offline version, as long as they apply the fixes in some later, bigger, update.
Some of the linked discussions pointed out different version numbers on offline and Galaxy versions, but didn't point out what was missing from the offline version. If the "newer" Galaxy version number just e.g. meant some Galaxy-stuff being changed (like related to cloud saving, achievements or whatever), then no, I am not demanding GOG to update the offline installers with that same stuff. After all, they are relevant only to Galaxy users.
I try to check for updates at least once a week and always download new offline installers as soon as they become available. And I would not be upset about (very short) delays compared to galaxy updates but it IS bothering me that I have to wait for days/weeks for obviously available updates (for steam and galaxy users). I also buy my games here because I do not want to install any client software in addition to the games I install! This really is what makes different from other stores like steam: here I can still buy drm free games without the mandatory installation of any unwanted client software.
Galaxy obviously was introduced by gog for those who do not mind client software installations on their PCs, for the less tech-savvy who just want to click on a button and download/install new games or who feel that updating their games via galaxy is easier or more comfortable using galaxy. That's all ok, those customers can use galaxy if it is their preferred installation/updated method but at the moment - or rather for some time now - I believe that gog is failing to update offline installers in a timely fashion and I do not see why customers who paid the same price for these games are let down by gog and made waiting much longer for their updates. And I do not understand the reason for these delays because I believe that a standalone installer should be easier to provide than an installer that has to be integrated in an obviously complex client/download tool like galaxy.