SuperRigger.808: I've barely used these forums in the decade I've been on GoG, however I didn't see a thread mentioning my concern either.
How is your post particularly helpful if there's no satisfactory explanation contained within?
It's not your fault, it's just that those who hang out on the forums a lot see this question pop up every other week or so and are quite fed up of answering it by now. Of course, posting the same snide comments every other week gets a bit old, too. ;) And you are right that it's not helpful, especially since it's always different users asking the question, and not all are forum regulars who are just looking to rant - some, like, you are honestly interested in the answer.
We used to have a thread we could link to, where one of the forum veterans kept track of old and new releases to show that the income of new OLD game releases remained steady over the years but was overshadowed by the rise of new game releases. But that user stopped updating the lists, so I can't say for sure whether that's still the case or not.
Like I said above, I think the biggest issue now is the lack of visibility regarding new releases, and that concerns new and old games alike.
EDIT: And while I was slowly writing this, others already said more or less the same, heh.