InfraSuperman: Maybe they've finally decided to implement good gameplay.
Just because you hate it, it doesn't mean it has bad gameplay.
You just suck at RTS. That's all there is to it.
mobutu: many years ago, probably like 10-12 or something, I received as a gift cd's with reign of chaos and frozen throne and warcraft 3 was and still is my favorite rts to date. I liked it better than d1+2
With this new patch maybe I'll clean the discs and give'em a try again...
Yes, that film is going to be a flop. I'd say there's more than 90% chance for that so I'd bet heavily on the flop part. It is so obvious!
It absolutely doesn't matter how many likes a trailer has or how many people will buy a ticket to see the flop.
Lately there is a new mantra that the more people see or like a movie equals succes. This only proves that the vast majority of people have bad taste and/or are brainwashed fanatic fans and the hype machine is working on full cylinders, nothing more. See the latest starwars, I mean 8.4 on imdb from half a million people? that's a 7 movie max.
Warcraft as a quality movie? Maybe, but definitely not this 2016 one, as the current trailer demonstrates it big time.
Yeah because trailer represents whole movie. Good assumption you have there.
blotunga: Thus the chances of seeing them here fade away in nothingness. Blizzard loves And they sell 20 year old games for 20 euros without ever discounting them... So probably they wouldn't want GOG or anyone else eating in their profitssss.
Blizzard are active and profitable company. Why would they even consider selling here if Steam don't even have the games?