TDP: So it won't be f2p. It's hard to imagine it'll maintain a large playerbase for more than a few months considering the large number of f2p games competing for the same players.
Releasing an arena shooter that isn't F2P is kinda crazy, but if anyone would make a profit doing that, it's Blizzard. I'm sure they've crunched their numbers, soaking up those retail sales and special edition sales from the fanbois on the short term will bring in more money than trying to keep people playing it for more than a few months while trying to monetize vanity shit or unlocks.
A retail product also just a better experience in general, I think people actually might find it refreshing to play one of those games where they can simply choose a character they want to use, instead of being nickel and dimed to death unlocking junk. Honestly that's why I haven't even looked at shooters in years. All the experience, badges, unlocks and other useless crap filling the screen as you play like some fucking slot machine.
They're being really optimistic with that pricing though, I know I won't be paying $60 CDN for any arena shooter.