Posted January 25, 2023

I don't care at all what the excuses they give for that crap are; if they don't know how to make a game without disembodied floating hands, then they shouldn't make the game, period.
I also prefer full body awareness, but to be fair, floaty hands are not much worse in VR than they are in traditional FPS games. In both cases it's silly to not see my own chest, or at least my feet.
Half-Life Alyx only has floaty hands, but it was a VERY good game ,especially if you have the Index for full finger tracking, allowing natural grabbing and being able to show G-Man the bird.
That brings me to the main reason why VR isn't taking off. It;s your run of the mill catch 22 situation. Nobody makes quality VR games, because nobody buys VR kit. Nobody buys VR kit, because nobody makes VR games.
My friend got into VR before me and he had me play some "games". I was incredibly underwhelmed.
It was like playing type flash games, except in VR. who cares about low quality pancake simulators that have next to no collision detection, interesting gameplay or story?
There are a few "AAA" VR games, but they all last like an hour. Big publishers are scared to invest into VR, so we only have indies and Valve, who print money passively.
Indies gave us Boneworks which has amazing gameplay, but a very boring premise/story. Then there's Half-Life Alyx. Truly a proper AAA game made for VR. Great gameplay, great story, great VR experience. There's collision detection for everything. You can pick up everything and you cannot shove your hands through walls. You can still shove your head into a wall, but the game will black out the headset, so you couldn't cheat.
Half-Life Alyx made me buy the Index, but unfortunately it;s been gathering dust ever since, What few other decent VR games may exist are exclusive to Meta.