Congratulations to the winners! You are all very welcome. Thank you again for contributing to the thread discussion.
I would like to take a moment and just list a few things for non-Linux users to think about, things I found relevant to my own Linux journey:
1) Most Linux distros are free. No renting a license or jumping thru hoops.
2) Linux is very stable, and an open-source community is dedicated to keeping it so.
3) Linux is secure, much more so than Windows or Mac.
4) Linux has many distros or 'flavors', it does not force a 'one size must fit all' on users.
5) Linux is highly configurable and adaptable, choose what distro & configuration fits your style of use.
6) Linux is simple to install and use for many A prime example is that many non-technical elders have found Linux enjoyable and easier to use than confusing Windows.
7) The list of games for or able to be played on Linux is long and growing longer. Newer games using the Unity Engine are often able to be played natively. Ironically the Linux community has done such a good job that some games run less glitchy in Linux than Windows.
8) There are many alternative programs and applications which run on Linux and can do the same job or interface with the commonly used Windows programs. Many of these are free or fairly priced, MS doesn't own them. For the few users who must use a program that has to live on Windows or Mac, there is always running a VM or dual boot.
9) Most times the Linux community is friendly, helpful, supportive and dedicated to helping out and improving the Linux environment. They are not interested in chaining anyone to a licensing monopoly, draining your financial lifeblood, taking over all your data or making you solely dependent on a single source for your entire computing experience. Linux is a community, not a business.
Maybe it is time to explore and ask if Linux could be a better option for you?
Thank you all for making my first Giveaway an enjoyable experience! :)