Posted June 12, 2016

I do that. Im not ashamed about this either.
If i had the money i would just test all games and if i like them buy them all but sadly my funds are limited.
I bought Witcher 2 because i wanted to play it anyways after i pirated and played Witcher 3 and liked it a lot. Going to buy Witcher 3 too when i got money.
The problem with buying games after pirating them to test them or because im low on money is the DRM or steam requirement. Cant get Bioshock on GOG and some other games i would love to get without DRM.
DRM hurts sales, it doesnt improve them because every game can be cracked and pirated.
And actual willing to pay in the future kind of people like me are stuck with not buying the game at all.
Thats why i got GOG Galaxy and support GOG and especially CDPR. They deserve all the money.
Dont hate the pirate (player, hate the king (steam).
If you wish to continue to be a half wit, I would appreciate it if you did it somewhere else.