Posted July 01, 2016

Destroy them!
Registered: Jan 2012
From Other

"LOL LOL whazza chiggi chugga - love you people!"
Registered: Jul 2013
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
I missed out on Limbo but imma buy inside!

Insert Coin
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
Thanks for the thoughtful GA, but when I eat at Papa Johns, I tend to end up making my own garlic knots. I think I'll pass (while I still can!) :-P

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
I am extremely restrictive in what I allow into my body. I only eat organic food, but even then a lot of times they make organic food with something that I'm not okay ingesting for one reason or another ("natural flavors", soy lecithin, carageenan, palm oil that isn't sustainably sourced, some other stuff.) Meat I allow into my body doesn't necessarily need to be labeled "organic", but needs to be humanely raised and butchered and live a life I see as being in close accordance to what their "natural life" would be if humans weren't involved, and that is something I define by my own standards (I try to only buy local meats so I know exactly the conditions the animals live in that it is coming from. I only eat grass-fed beef, free-roaming pastured chickens that haven't been beaked, etc.) I don't drink milk or use butter, but I cook with those things, and it needs to come from raw grass-fed local cows.
Even if there is a place that has okay-by-me food, it's likely extremely expensive and not something I could afford to get anyway. The grocery store I shop at actually has a cafe/hot-food bar that has things that are okay-by-me to eat, but it's like 9.99/lb. and I can make anything they are making there that I might want way better at home myself for waayyyyyy cheaper.
I also don't trust the water anywhere.
Even if there is a place that has okay-by-me food, it's likely extremely expensive and not something I could afford to get anyway. The grocery store I shop at actually has a cafe/hot-food bar that has things that are okay-by-me to eat, but it's like 9.99/lb. and I can make anything they are making there that I might want way better at home myself for waayyyyyy cheaper.
I also don't trust the water anywhere.
Post edited July 01, 2016 by drealmer7

New User
Registered: Dec 2015
From Spain
Posted July 01, 2016

Shadow Man
Registered: Mar 2012
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
Hopefully Playdead's Inside get released here day one and Limbo comes with it:
Post edited July 01, 2016 by Barry_Woodward

Notanew user -.-
Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted July 01, 2016
well unless somebody starts a "Flight to New York" Giveaway - NOT IN for the time-being ;).
Nice giveaway though and i hope you find a lucky recipient for the pizza ^^
Nice giveaway though and i hope you find a lucky recipient for the pizza ^^

Destroy them!
Registered: Jan 2012
From Other
Posted July 01, 2016
Wow, okay...that's cool. Give you a lot of credit for that, and I am well aware of the cost of organic foods vs the regular crap out there, so I can imagine, that even if you found a place that served all organic, it would be pretty expensive. I try to eat healthier as I get older, it's almost mandatory, as my metabolism slows down with age, but I most definitely don't have the fortitude to follow such strict restrictions on my diet....hell, I couldn't even be a vegetarian, much less a vegan. Anyway, thanks for explaining, and my hat is off to you for being able to follow such a strict regimen.
More pizza for the rest of us weaklings ;-)
More pizza for the rest of us weaklings ;-)

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016

Regarding water then, where do you get it from?
(Sorry OP, not in, but thanks for the very original GA :))
Water I get from the well on the property, which I know the water table has been tested and its quality. Even a lot of people who have wells use pesticides and herbicides or whatnot and pollute their water-tables, or live in areas of fracking run-off that has completely borked their water.

More pizza for the rest of us weaklings ;-)
I honestly find a lot of vegans to be misguided and not actually helping the planet or the animals on it most of the time by their eating habits (a lot of vegan food is mega-processed factory/chemical derived food that pollutes or is destructive to the planet by how it is made. It hurts me to see vegans eating stuff with non-sustainable palm oil, an industry which is wholly destructive to forests and habitats of many animals and is leading to the severe endangered level of the orangutan.)
Thanks to you both for the recognition of it (not that I'm looking for it, but it is nice to see it's recognized as something positive, a lot of people just kind of scoff if/when they find out how restrictive we are.)
I get pizza about once a month (in the amount of 2 very large pizzas), we make it ourselves from scratch (my partner makes the cheese from raw milk), and it's always scarfed down in at most 2 days. There is actually a company that makes okay-by-me frozen pizza WITH PEPPERONI that is okay-by-me (one of the hardest things to find), but it is a 12.oz pizza for 9.99!!! I get one of those about once every 6 months just so I can taste some pepperoni.
Thanks BenKii for allowing me to derail a bit (like you had a choice!)
Post edited July 01, 2016 by drealmer7

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States

I'm darkness
Registered: Jul 2013
From Italy
Posted July 01, 2016
I live in Italy... so there is no way I will eat a NYC pizza (or any pizza outside italy... there are really few foods that I can actually eat outside italy... sacher torte, ramen with no fish or vegetable, fruits and some vegetable (true potatoes... not from fast food..., boiled artichokes, raw carrots and fennel), maybe some meat (not from fast food) and eggs).
I can eat what I think is true food (for lauch and dinner) like pizza and pasta (with true cheese like mozzarella and parmiggiano reggiano) only in Italy.
Also I already got Limbo.
Not in.
No thanks.
I can eat what I think is true food (for lauch and dinner) like pizza and pasta (with true cheese like mozzarella and parmiggiano reggiano) only in Italy.
Also I already got Limbo.
Not in.
No thanks.

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted July 02, 2016
Pizza's getting cold Bump.
No one has entered for either prize yet. Come on guys someone here has got to want some pizza? From the comments it seems not many people like Papa Johns but what do you have to lose when it's free.
No one has entered for either prize yet. Come on guys someone here has got to want some pizza? From the comments it seems not many people like Papa Johns but what do you have to lose when it's free.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 02, 2016
stomach lining!
LiefLayer: I live in Italy... so there is no way I will eat a NYC pizza (or any pizza outside italy... there are really few foods that I can actually eat outside italy... sacher torte, ramen with no fish or vegetable, fruits and some vegetable (true potatoes... not from fast food..., boiled artichokes, raw carrots and fennel), maybe some meat (not from fast food) and eggs).
I can eat what I think is true food (for lauch and dinner) like pizza and pasta (with true cheese like mozzarella and parmiggiano reggiano) only in Italy. We grow (all organically) our own tomatoes, peppers, and herbs, get organic local garlic and onions, and make my own sauce. My partner makes our own mozarella out of raw grass-fed milk. And we often make our dough from a sour-dough starter, though lately we've been using organic yeast, which is still quite good, but definitely not as supreme as dough from starter

I can eat what I think is true food (for lauch and dinner) like pizza and pasta (with true cheese like mozzarella and parmiggiano reggiano) only in Italy.
Post edited July 02, 2016 by drealmer7

I'm darkness
Registered: Jul 2013
From Italy
Posted July 02, 2016

Also everyday I need my dose of pasta XD:
+ (that is not ketchup)
many other good ingredients.
+ (that is not parmesan. it is Parmigiano Reggiano... I know that outside italy there are many fake Parmigiani).
Pizza... but the pizza is eaten once every 1-2 weeks, not every day... and it is not easy to find a good pizza maker, even here in Italy.
Surely, to be farmers, helps. But not everyone can afford their own piece of land and not everyone can afford to take care of the animals.
I'm lucky to have a small piece of land (very small). In spite of everything I still have to buy most of the things.
I can make tomatoes, but here there is no way to make extra virgin olive oil (I buy it from friends who live on south italy), I can make cheeses from milk (and I still need to buy milk) but there is no way to make Parmigiano Reggiano...
I can make bread with sourdough... but there is no way I can make flour.
I work every day, I can go to the vegetable garden on weekends only. Still I can make Pesto (basil pesto) from basil that I planted on the balcony.
But here in italy is not a problem... we have DOP and IGP products that are really good and certified so that you know what you are buying... And the food laws are very strict (it is one of the reasons why they do not want to open trade with the United States... United States food laws are much less strict).
Even when we talk about meat there are some difference, when I buy italian bovine meat (from Piedmont) I know it is a really good meat... I pay much more (for quality) but the difference is like night and day. Giant steaks is clear that they are full of crap, as too big and too beautiful fruit. The taste, however, immediately reveals the quality of a product.
A giant steak that shrinks while you cook in the pan is crap.
And if you try a real hamburger and a mcdonald hamburget you can always see the difference (here in italy there is m**bun if you want to understand the difference)
What I want to say is that for me it's much easier to eat in Italy (and I think most Italians agree with me).
The main problem, for me, is the fact that the pasta in Italy is the main dish for lunch and dinner (with a small breakfast), while in most other countries lunch is a small and fast meal and the main dish for dinner is meat (or something like that).
Sure there are always exceptions, but outside italy I usually feel like I cannot eat a normal meal.... and the Italian restaurants outside Italy are often worse than anything else (seriously, I really can not understand how it is possible).
Post edited July 02, 2016 by LiefLayer

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted July 03, 2016