drmike: We're interrupting ciemnogrodzianin's giveaway.
No, it's fine. Thanks to all of you for sharing your associations and for being honest!
drmike: Another country that says there's no such thing as a male victim of domestic violence.
Regarding home violence - I am far from ignoring the problem, it exists everywhere, also in Poland, of course, however, since you have called this topic - it is worth noting that
the results of researches put Poland at the forefront of the safest countries in the continent. Left-wing often tries to show traditional Polish sociaty as related with some pathologies, but such thesis are not confirmed with results of professional social researches.
As to violence against men - I admit, a lot of people do not take it serious. When I recently saw a social experiment, my reaction was similar to that of people who were recorded with a hidden camera. I believe that, fine, this may be a problem, but it seems to me rather marginal. For obvious reasons, protecting women should be a priority and reflex of standing in defense of women is strongly imprinted in Polish culture. Home violence agains men is a problem of minor importance.