Darvond: I see the OPs head isn't screwed on right. No surprise.
All this means is that the chowder heads who somehow can't navigate to lib retro or figure out how to use it will have a new avenue to launch it. I can only hope the toxic community doesn't scare off the developers.
Traumatic Brain injury - throughout my whole brain 5%, Please Darvond try not to be a dick!
Even me with 5% brain damage can navigate the lib retro and can configure it and know how to use it and I have 5% brain damage all the way though and a spider webbed skull with deep lacerations to the base of my skull and busted neck vertebrae, I also am truly Asperger's Syndrome so yeah I lack in social sh!t that regular people already have integrated into them.
I'm so friggin groggy today - even though I don't drink, I stand up I get super spinning groggy, Lie down the room spins, symptoms of the brain damage and super tired and super foggy in the brain all the time.
Here is why I am like I am
watch this short video and try to understand I don't mean anything by what I type I am trying my best after a nasty brain injury.