Posted June 01, 2016
But I could wait for years and prices would drop even more!
_Slaugh_: The <span class="bold">Asus Strix GeForce GTX 960 OC</span> would be a good candidate. Its TDP is slightly higher than your current GPU, but nVidia recommends a <span class="bold">400W power supply</span> for a GTX 960 and a Core i7 3.2 GHz. It is an owl, even though the url calls it an eagle, I can hardly resist; but multiple, slightly varying replies are confusing my simple mind. Appreciate the straight-up answer, though!
OneFiercePuppy: (PSU snip)
I know, that was boring. It's important, though, because it means not all 400W PSUs are created equal. Am anfang, dort war elektrizitat, or something. Not boring, it's just that, like I said, I'm a bit of an idiot, so I don't really understand it. I get that quality PSUs give better results/power, but that's about it.
I'm never proud of myself, but I get what you're saying. But, as indicated above, I could wait years, accumulate more dispensable money, and buy something even better - probably. Available hardware always improves.

I know, that was boring. It's important, though, because it means not all 400W PSUs are created equal. Am anfang, dort war elektrizitat, or something.
I'm never proud of myself, but I get what you're saying. But, as indicated above, I could wait years, accumulate more dispensable money, and buy something even better - probably. Available hardware always improves.