72_hour_Richard: What?
A wh*te male character?
No female NPC to steer his dumb self?
No diversity squad to save his incompetent behind ?
A game-world that looks coherently homogenous?
Uh-oh, you-know-who won't like this at all, if past behaviour is anything to go by.
give it time. ..and that they have, in spades. they swapped out the voice for shadow warrior 3 at last minute because the original and best and funniest voice was a white dude. the cuck they replaced it with sounds lame and weak and pathetic. have not purchased it nor will i, to play. just doesn't sound right so it might as well not exist, for me.
tldr; don't be too cocky, for time is "our" real enemy. things will change, i promise. later on, when/if release date approaches, they will be "guided" by some "people", or, bigger companies will demand changes to fund them. let's compare your list after release. see you in 2023/4/5..