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Discover the vast Chornobyl Exclusion Zone full of dangerous enemies and unveil your own epic story.
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Discount: All pre-orders receive Extended Campfire Content as well as Early Bird skins.
Planned release date: December 2023
Kind request to end this political discussion as those have nothing to do with video games and aren't allowed on our Forum (check Forum CoC for reference).
Screamshield: This is great :D I already have all the other S.T.A.L.K.E.R games here.
I already had physical copies of all the games, when I found them on GOG, so I used GOG Reclaim Your Games, to use the registration codes from my physical copies, to let me get GOG copies of them, for free.
Not sure if Reclaim Your Games is still running, or not, as the last update to the page was late 2017.
sysia_GOG: Kind request to end this political discussion as those have nothing to do with video games and aren't allowed on our Forum (check Forum CoC for reference).
Kind request to finally take action and BAN said users, maybe it will clean up this place a bit. They are not even varied, they're nearly always the same perpetrators.
It's for sure more useful than hiding "rep".
sysia_GOG: Kind request to end this political discussion as those have nothing to do with video games and aren't allowed on our Forum (check Forum CoC for reference).
Enebias: Kind request to finally take action and BAN said users, maybe it will clean up this place a bit. They are not even varied, they're nearly always the same perpetrators.
It's for sure more useful than hiding "rep".
I'm working on it :)
Enebias: Kind request to finally take action and BAN said users, maybe it will clean up this place a bit. They are not even varied, they're nearly always the same perpetrators.
It's for sure more useful than hiding "rep".
sysia_GOG: I'm working on it :)
Very good, thank you!
It's probably the only solution at this point, unfortunately.
Post edited July 06, 2022 by Enebias
Hope it is a good game.
Post edited July 06, 2022 by timppu
Yea I know i shouldn't trust cinematics and trailers, but damn I'm hoping.

Gotta finish Pripyats first though.
i was kinda scared that it wouldn't appear on GoG until much later after release.
I hope that they just work silently on it and not come with early access crap. That is a kind of a gimmick nowadays to come with early access stuff. I rather have it that companies just do it at their own pace. The downside of an early access title is then also the expectations and the nagging of when it comes out.
I find it a bit too early to announce a date. December 2023 is a bit far away now, though a year is over within a blink before you know it. I wish GSC good luck with it. I will see when it is done. Then i just buy it. Not a fan of pre-order stuff.
I've got the trilogy of the first one. Still have to finish them. I only wonder in which year this takes place and what the difference is with the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games (beside visuals) I mean then more story wise.
Shadow was about one called marked one who escaped the heart of the zone, clear sky was a pre-quel to that and call of pripyat was then in the role of an agent.
candesco: I've got the trilogy of the first one. Still have to finish them. I only wonder in which year this takes place and what the difference is with the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games (beside visuals) I mean then more story wise.
Shadow was about one called marked one who escaped the heart of the zone, clear sky was a pre-quel to that and call of pripyat was then in the role of an agent.
Shadow of Chernobyl was set in May 2012, and is about The Marked One, Strelok.
Clear Sky happens in September 2011, and is about the Merc, Scar.
Call of Pripyat is August 2012, and is about SBU agent Major Degtyarev investigating the failed State Security Service mission, Operation Fairway.
I hope we get to see Sidorovich again in HoC
I wonder which Mitay we see in the HoC trailer. The Loner from CoP, or the Duty trader from CS.
low rated
Enebias: Btw, right now with the "invisible" rep change we can't even sort out actually active users from random trolls. Neat. One step forward, 10 back. They did keep the + and - buttons though, so the abuse can go on undisturbed!
IDK what's worse: you complaining about the only GOOD thing GOG did with the forums in years...or the fact that you're coming here as if you're the most useful forum member ever.

Getting rid of the atrociously AWFUL rep system was by far the best thing they could do to give some actual life to the forums. At least now people like you can't go around "hurting" other people merely for disagreeing with whatever pov you have. So huge THANKS to GOG for it imho!

sysia_GOG: Kind request to end this political discussion as those have nothing to do with video games and aren't allowed on our Forum (check Forum CoC for reference).
While I do agree some users are going way overboard with all this (and maybe some disciplinary action would be in order) I respectfully disagree with your view about "political discussion not being allowed" in the forum. The CoC clearly states that what's forbidden are "political discussions not related to a video game". Keyword here: NOT related to a video game. Unless you're the most naive person ever you should know that clearly this "political discussion" has everything to do with a video game since GSC decided to make it so. They are the ones introducing current politics into their video game and while they have every right to do so...I feel like we also have every right to comment on it.
Now you guys can say "our forum, our rules so we say you can't and that's it" and that will also be within your rights as owners/admins/mods. But then please try not to insult our intelligence by trying to hide behind the CoC when most of this discussion is perfectly within the boundaries of a "video game related topic".

Like I said to the other user: you did a flawless job by ditching the very absurd and useless rep system and that perfect decision opened up the forum to be more know...a proper FORUM instead of just "the private club of the same ol' guys" like its been since its inception. So please tread very carefully from now on and don't go around tossing threats and quickly shutting down discussions only because they're "not politically correct". You guys have a wonderful chance now to witness the forum's rebirth in a whole new glory. Please don't threw all that away for dumb reasons.
If you feel this thread is going nowhere then by all means close the thing and be done with it. That's way more reasonable and thoughtful than just deciding what is and what isn't appropriate and/or "related".

Just my 2 cents. Have a nice day.
Enebias: Btw, right now with the "invisible" rep change we can't even sort out actually active users from random trolls. Neat. One step forward, 10 back. They did keep the + and - buttons though, so the abuse can go on undisturbed!
Orpheus-GOG: IDK what's worse: you complaining about the only GOOD thing GOG did with the forums in years...or the fact that you're coming here as if you're the most useful forum member ever.

Getting rid of the atrociously AWFUL rep system was by far the best thing they could do to give some actual life to the forums. At least now people like you can't go around "hurting" other people merely for disagreeing with whatever pov you have. So huge THANKS to GOG for it imho!
They didn't get rid of anything, only hide rep counter from public display (you can still see yours in profile settings). And upvoting/downvoting (which is real problem) works exactly same as always.
Post edited July 07, 2022 by ssling
They didn't bring "politics". They brought a fact that their country and their city was attacked by a terrorist state.
ValentB: They didn't bring "politics". They brought a fact that their country and their city was attacked by a terrorist state.
This. Imagine being so mindbroken by FSB propaganda that you think self-defense is political.
Post edited July 07, 2022 by Crosmando
low rated
Enebias: Kind request to finally take action and BAN said users, maybe it will clean up this place a bit. They are not even varied, they're nearly always the same perpetrators.
It's for sure more useful than hiding "rep".
sysia_GOG: I'm working on it :)
Unfortunately, the same problematic users are at it again.
Their inflammatory posts are unwanted and unnecessary in this thread.