Did you try everything people suggested in
your last "HELP." thread you posted?
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/help_9 All the game forums can found on
the main forum page with the "game specific forums" search box on the left side.
https://www.gog.com/forum For "Neverwinter Nights Diamond" I typed the word "never" into that search box and found
the "Neverwinter Nights series" forum. That would cover all the games, so be sure to mention which one when you post questions there.
https://www.gog.com/forum/neverwinter_nights_series Also notice on the righthand-side of these forum pages at both the top and bottom there is a
"This is my favorite topic" checkbox. It's near the search and "new post" buttons.
Selecting that checkbox will make the thread stay near the top of thread list for its forum. For example, selecting it for this thread that you have created will cause it to stay near the top of
the general forum when you visit that page yourself.
https://www.gog.com/forum/general For the "Neverwinter Nights series" forum, making a thread a favorite will cause it to be listed at the top of that forum for you. It won't appear at the top of the listing in the general forum. So, you have favorite topics per forum.
Nobody else sees what you have favorited, it's just for you to have an easy way to get back to topics that matter to you.
Hopefully that helps you keep track of your posts and any others you like. Just deselect the checkbox when viewing a favorited thread whenever you don't want to view it at the top of the thread listings anymore.