Posted June 30, 2016
Arkham Asylum and City GOTY!
On steam, they have GFWL and SecuRom removed, but they need... Steam! I'd much rather play them directly from my retail box dvds version, instead. So, is there any way to patch the RETAIL copies of those two games, but OUTSIDE steam, so as to oust those mothereffing SecuRom and GFWL aberrations?
On steam, they have GFWL and SecuRom removed, but they need... Steam! I'd much rather play them directly from my retail box dvds version, instead. So, is there any way to patch the RETAIL copies of those two games, but OUTSIDE steam, so as to oust those mothereffing SecuRom and GFWL aberrations?
Post edited June 30, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
This question / problem has been solved by mobutu