pjcoolie: Please help, Im trying to install CAESAR IV and I got until the end and it says "REQUESTING INSTALLER"?
I click on offline installer and says GOG GAME SETUP
If you're using Galaxy, I can't help you.
But why not simply use the offline installers?
1) Hover over your account name
2) click on "games"
3 ) enter "Caesar 4" in the search mask
4) click on the "offline backuo game installers" ---> click on the file(s)
(I only have Caesar 3, so I don't know if Caesar 4 comes as a single file or one (.exe) and one or more (.bin) files) 5) after downloading, click on the .exe file to install the game.
The installer will ask you, whether you want to change the installation path...do so, if you wish.
After the installation is done, you can start the game immediately by clicking on [start] in the installer's window, or later by clicking on the desktop icon of Caesar 4.