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Hey all!

Now I know I've asked this question before also, but I figured this time, I'd ask in a more directed way. Probably a little selfish and greedy (because instead of asking "What's YOUR favourite goodies?", it's more like, what do you think I'd like), but I'm running out of new good music, and I need my fix!

So...what soundtracks available on gog would you recommend to me?

Now, a lot of people here appear to like stuff like the Witcher music, or music of the original Fallouts, etc, but..I find the "generic orchestral epicness" a little bland and boring. It might work really well in-game (I say this because I never notice it in game, so maybe it is building up that atmosphere?), but I'm not asking to listen to it in-game.

For reference, (and helpful to you if you share my tastes somewhat) some of the gog game music I like, include:

Beyond Good & Evil- It has a few of those bland orchestral epic tunes, but then it also has some really catchy awesome favourites for me. Example.

FTL- I actually got the soundtrack off humble bundle, but gog includes a "Soundtrack Sample"...dunno, haven't checked that, but FTL has all around good tunes.

Deus Ex- Also has its share of the kind of music I don't care for, but then includes awesome stuff as well. Alexander Brandon is a master after all. Example.

Broken Sword- Apparently a couple of new vocal tracks were added to the remaster that play at some point on the radio, completely unrelated to the game)? Weird, but it is nice music! Example

...huh...I guess I was mixing up gog's soundtrack collection with humble.
It seems quite limited for gog, even for games I have on gog as well (Shadowgrounds, VVVVV, Morrowind, Freddy Pharkas, Monkey Island 2, Conquest of Longbow, Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis, Jazz Jackrabbit 1/2, King's Quest 4+5+6 all have cool songs in their soundtracks)...

So yeah, soundtrack suggestions? I'd share the games I own already so you'd know my pool of potential games with good soundtracks, but barefoot's script no longer works with greasemonkey borked, so I can't upload it. And hey, wallpaper suggestions while you're at it? :D
Post edited January 20, 2018 by babark
Hotline Miami 2 (though there's only a sampler "remix" OST - the full one is available as DLC on Steam)
Post edited January 20, 2018 by Bigs
What goodies? Thee are all sold separately now.
We had this thread lately with excellent suggestions

I enjoy the stronghold hd and the witcher soundtracks on my smartphone at the moment

Since you find the orchestral epic stuff boring you can try the shadowrun dragonfall soundtrack to see if you like this type, it's more electronic/trance whatever they call it
Post edited January 20, 2018 by greeklover
Witcher 3 has some excellent folk tracks (by the Polish band Percival) too:
I love The Last Door's soundtrack. It doesn't even feel like you're playing an album with "stage music" like so many other soundtracks.
Unfortunately it doesn't have the "possessed phonograph" version of a particular track.
If you're in the mood for something relaxing/cheerful, definitely check out Aquaria. I'm actually not sure if the Gog version comes with a soundtrack, but VLC can easily play the music files.
WITCHER CONCERT! It is the real deal!

CRYPT OF THE NECRODANCER! 3 albums, all of them quite catchy!

BLOODSTAINED: RITUAL OF THE NIGHT! Release date, 2018. Ex castlevania composer Michiru Yamane is working on OST, with Ippo Yamada, solid gold, i tell you!

VAMPIRE BLOODLINES! After installation, in sounds/licensed directory, most of the special soundtrack CD tracks, are to be found.
Post edited January 20, 2018 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Unreal of course.

RoTT has an interesting soundtrack. Many of the tunes are quite boring but there are real gems too. In fact now I'm tempted to download it again.

Oh yeah, I like Anvil of Dawn's soundtrack too.
Post edited January 20, 2018 by clarry
Fairfox: Wonder Boy! buuut you has to buy teh OST elsewhere I think...
That one is good, but it unfortunately isn't available on GOG.

Hollow Knight's soundtrack is sold on GOG (though as DLC), and it's quite good. It's orchestral, but not your typical epic orchestral stuff; much of the music has a quiet, more ambient style to it, while the boss music is interesting rhythmically, with unusual time signatures (5/4, and sometimes it changes), and rhythmic techniques like hemiola.
How about Nathan Allen Pinard's Technobabylon OST? Or the phenomenal Brigador soundtrack by Makeup and Vanity Set? Both available for purchase here.
dtgreene: That one is good, but it unfortunately isn't available on GOG.
Fairfox: i wonder why as it seems liek a no-brainer. liek... teh game is shirley ideal for gogie; nu version of old classic (?), with fabbo music.

then again i guess its a pill to negotiate separate rights sometiemz
The game is available on GOG, but the soundtrack isn't.