gamesfreak64: Soundtrack usually means you have to buy the game in order to be able the Soundtrack, manytimes you can play the soundtracks without running the game, DLC is part of a game.
Anyway Soundtracks that can be bought only if one owns the game kinda makes sense, provided the soundtrack can be played independly of the main game.
DLC should only be used for small extras quests and things alike... soundtracks should be called Soundtrack but NOT DLC.
I also dont like DLC as in the sneaky 'extras' like a silly mission or other meh stuff you pay for.
countzcyber: You told me that soundtrack is just a "soundtrack" without other items.I got it.
Besides,I like buy any old game below $5, which won't burn my cpu, only for buying-fun.
Buying fun ? i have to admit i do it aswell , buy games > 5 euro on GOG and buy lots of casualgames on Steam if they are between 49 cent and 1.99 euro... i have several games , sadly 90% fries my cpu, at least they try ro fry the cpu, but i can't allow a game to do that.
Planning to get a new pc, but maybe i won't get one afteral, too many problems and too many things that will make it too expensive for me.
Good and fast multicore CPU ( i5 and io7) ( many cores) are pretty cheap nowaydays , but decent GPU are not
in short:
the CPU will cost around 499 euros which is okay for the i7-9700K but problem are the Coolers, they quite expensive, which isnt that bad, the bad part is they cant fit in any case, plus they are heavvy, up to 1.5 kilo, for a stupid cpu cooler , they will sag my hardware.
I had no such problems
In the past , today however you will get a bottleneck, : i7-9700K needs a very expensive GPU which i simply cannor afford, unless i keep on saving another 3 years.
To make sure no bottlenecks exist i googled and it appears it is recommended to sue a cpu and gpu that will do well together and that is the expensive part... so maybe i wont get a new one and just let this old one run until it +++ and is ready to be trashed and siposed of.
Anyway, current setup almost 10 years old, so a new one is needed asap... but expensive cause i dont want to waste a lot of cash again on an average PC.