amplify_diogo: Hi everyone,
Just wanted to drop by and recommend everyone to check out some videos and streams of Decay of Logos and decide for yourself, or take a leap of faith and return it if you end up hating it. We won't comment on certain reviews specifically and will let you judge what is or isn't toxic opinion.
Despite the unfortunate buggy launch, for which we are obviously to blame and working very hard to rectify, the latest PC build is now much more stable and with a more balanced learning curve. A new build, with even more bug-fixes improvements, will be made available tomorrow.
This is a game for Action RPG fans that love a challenge, no hand-holding and visual, narrative-driven gameplay. It is souls-inspired, though far from a clone.
Here are a list of reviews and first impressions, that we felt understood the essence of DoL, to help balance the scale:
(sorry, had to modify the links, this is a new account) www.
vandal. (Spanish)
A few streams and videos:
www. (complete 8-part walkthrough)
Then again, please judge for yourselves. There are a lot more videos and streams out there to give you a more concrete overview of the game.
Make no mistake, we had 4 people pour their hearts out to develop this game from scratch, financed it ourselves for the most part, and we'll keep working on it until all the bugs and quirks are solved. Obviously this doesn't mean the game is automatically good, but it absolutely means it was made by people who care.
Kind regards,
The Decay of Logos Team
thanks for releasing your game on GOG, Decay of Logos has a clear artistic imprint and I appreciate it very much, I'm sure that with time you will be able to squash all the bugs and optimize the gameplay.
I only have one question, the game on Steam has the achievements, do you plan to add them also on GOG?