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Drive on Moscow is now available DRM-free. Get it 50% off until March 6th, 2pm UTC.

Defend the homeland as the Soviets, or lead a bold push to seize the Soviet capital as the Axis.

As commander, direct your troops across a detailed campaign map, capturing territory and planning strategies. You must overcome your opponent, vast distances, and extreme weather to achieve victory.
War in Russia from the same publisher would be more interesting for me.
Swear every thread on here turns into Steam/Epic Vs GoG. Chill man demz
Starmaker: Lol, most of the maps are sideways. Seeing Volokolamsk in the bottom-left corner is just... like, is the Hitler of that universe clean-shaven?
What? No, don't be silly. His mustache is sideways. So he looks exactly the same.
This is fantastic, I got downvoted for pointing out that nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were evil :D Perhaps rather than looking for problems with GOG's business model we could start with the fact that on GOG forum it's apparently an unpopular opinion to think that genocide and totalitaranism are bad.
Breja: it's apparently an unpopular opinion to think that genocide and totalitaranism are bad.
It's not an unpopular opinion. But opinion that we souldn't defend our land and our lives simply because we don't have ideal government is.
How come we get this lightweight Slitherine strategy game, yet we don't get Afghanistan '11 or the Vietnam one.

Sure they're both also relatively simplistic, but they deal with morale, hearts&minds, political will - so slightly different and more interesting. Plus convoys to avoid IEDs, bombing caves, all that jazz...
squid830: How come we get this lightweight Slitherine strategy game, yet we don't get Afghanistan '11 or the Vietnam one.

Sure they're both also relatively simplistic, but they deal with morale, hearts&minds, political will - so slightly different and more interesting. Plus convoys to avoid IEDs, bombing caves, all that jazz...
Agree, if they want the cash their going to have to break out the better games, same with gog. Monster High season 2 some darksiders 3 and this game are hardly going to break their balance sheet this week.
Looks very simplistic.
low rated
darktjm: So Steam is your go-to for a curated selection of games, "not the trash can of all shovelware of this world"? Well, granted, the mobile space has much more of that kind of crap, I guess. In any case, I already avoid Steam like the plague.

Didn't you just say that curation was your only reason for being on gog?

But you wanted it curated away. How can I go for something that isn't offered?

Basically, most curation complaints amount to "they didn't let in a game I wanted, but instead let in a game I didn't want". What game did they not let in that you wanted so badly? And don't say Skyrim: that decision is almost entirely up to Bethesda, not gog.

As long as that opinion does not become law, sure! If you publish your opinion publicly, expect people to comment on that opinion, though. Also, FYI, with the exception of spam, obvious trolls, and non-sequitur replies, I find that words are more useful than "downvoting", so I hope you're not lumping me in with the people who downvoted you.

I suppose by replying to you I am going to end up being told to keep it on-topic, and my last post already had all I have to say about this game. Oh well.
Reglisse: I came here to find "a curated store" because I was tired of Steam and shitty games.
Alas,it's not better...but to each his own,I suppose ^^
Now,be nice and attack another user than me,I'm not the only one not pleased with the new "games" here...
Downvoting ? *yawns* well it wasn't me, never downvote anyone , because , i think it is boring and childish
not refering to :

synonyms: childlike, youthful, young, young-looking, girlish, boyish, children's, child's, adolescent, teenaged, teenage

but the other :D Google childish to see what :D

people who downvote :
...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\.......................... .......
..............\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/.........\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,......................... ..

anyway d e m o c r a c y
we have that in (most) parts in Europe and hopefully online aswell
now please stop downvoting people , a discussion is okay but downvoting is a form of childish behavior.

PS: if you see any word mistakes or similar so, feel free to reply so i can learn from it :D

Linko64: Swear every thread on here turns into Steam/Epic Vs GoG. Chill man demz
??? demz???
nice word does it mean something like this:

"when someone becomes such an obsessive freak that they invade your personal space and continuously annoy you ."

( Google result on demz)
Post edited February 28, 2019 by gamesfreak64
Reglisse: I came here to find "a curated store" because I was tired of Steam and shitty games.
Alas,it's not better...but to each his own,I suppose ^^
Now,be nice and attack another user than me,I'm not the only one not pleased with the new "games" here...
gamesfreak64: Downvoting ? *yawns* well it wasn't me, never downvote anyone , because , i think it is boring and childish
not refering to :

synonyms: childlike, youthful, young, young-looking, girlish, boyish, children's, child's, adolescent, teenaged, teenage

but the other :D Google childish to see what :D

people who downvote :
...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\.......................... .......
..............\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/.........\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,......................... ..

anyway d e m o c r a c y
we have that in (most) parts in Europe and hopefully online aswell
now please stop downvoting people , a discussion is okay but downvoting is a form of childish behavior.

PS: if you see any word mistakes or similar so, feel free to reply so i can learn from it :D

Linko64: Swear every thread on here turns into Steam/Epic Vs GoG. Chill man demz
gamesfreak64: ??? demz???
nice word does it mean something like this:

"when someone becomes such an obsessive freak that they invade your personal space and continuously annoy you ."

( Google result on demz)
From the Latin 'Mandemulus', meaning a collection of less than reputable characters.


If you're into Grime in any way you would have heard it thrown around
surficial: too niche for me.
niche ? i like niche ( games) :D

......... ???

after watching the videos on youtube.... (+_+) thats no niche , if it also means more of the same like the 'gazillions' games that look the same but have different graphics like casual games, and HOG, then it is niche and i love niche
also like games that look like games: KQ clones , i have all artifex mundi games, lots of allwar games, so if those are alos among the niche then nich is my game ◤(¬‿¬)◥

gamesfreak64: Downvoting ? *yawns* well it wasn't me, never downvote anyone , because , i think it is boring and childish
not refering to :

synonyms: childlike, youthful, young, young-looking, girlish, boyish, children's, child's, adolescent, teenaged, teenage

but the other :D Google childish to see what :D

people who downvote :
...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\.......................... .......
..............\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/.........\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,......................... ..

anyway d e m o c r a c y
we have that in (most) parts in Europe and hopefully online aswell
now please stop downvoting people , a discussion is okay but downvoting is a form of childish behavior.

PS: if you see any word mistakes or similar so, feel free to reply so i can learn from it :D

??? demz???
nice word does it mean something like this:

"when someone becomes such an obsessive freak that they invade your personal space and continuously annoy you ."

( Google result on demz)
Linko64: Mandem
From the Latin 'Mandemulus', meaning a collection of less than reputable characters.


If you're into Grime in any way you would have heard it thrown around
ah:D thanks for the reply.
Grime ? have to Google it , i do know what crime means/refers to
Post edited February 28, 2019 by gamesfreak64
Pyromancer138: It looks terrible, do not try to fool us, please.
It most certainly does , but it will run on evil win 10 ᵔᴥᵔ
and many good old games will not, i'm checking which games will not work, i have the nasty feeling all or at least many of my favorites will not run on win 10.( so wasting $ on new hardware ( win 10 only cause mickeysoft doesnt supply hardware updates.

This might explain why the good old games arrive less frequently then 2-3 years ago, evil Win 10 does not like old games, so it would be a waste of precious time to fix games , since new games are 100% guaranteed to run on win 10.

Nowadays too many meh games are released by the dozen ( maybe tens of dozens, or even by the tens of thousands)
a large part which look they were finsihed in 1 to 3 months or even less, not refering to cheap casual games a 1 to 3 euros/dollars, many of them are fun , and i own many, its the expensive games that are very disapointing, and usually very demanding on system requirements: so too expensive, too demanding, and too bad.
Post edited February 28, 2019 by gamesfreak64
surficial: too niche for me.
gamesfreak64: niche ? i like niche ( games) :D

......... ???

after watching the videos on youtube.... (+_+) thats no niche , if it also means more of the same like the 'gazillions' games that look the same but have different graphics like casual games, and HOG, then it is niche and i love niche
also like games that look like games: KQ clones , i have all artifex mundi games, lots of allwar games, so if those are alos among the niche then nich is my game ◤(¬‿¬)◥

Linko64: Mandem
From the Latin 'Mandemulus', meaning a collection of less than reputable characters.


If you're into Grime in any way you would have heard it thrown around
gamesfreak64: ah:D thanks for the reply.
Grime ? have to Google it , i do know what crime means/refers to
Here yee gan -
gamesfreak64: This might explain why the good old games arrive less frequently then 2-3 years ago, evil Win 10 does not like old games, so it would be a waste of precious time to fix games , since new games are 100% guaranteed to run on win 10.
Most of the really old games, as in pre-mid-90s, should be fine. If I remember correctly your favourite games are mostly from the DOS era. They tend to run under DOSBox or ScummVM, both of which run perfectly fine under Windows 10.

It can be a bit trickier for games designed for older versions of Windows, the 95 to Me era is particularly tough! Lots of deprecated APIs since those days.

I wanted to keep Windows 7 for my new computer for exactly that reason. However, I ended up going with Windows 10 anyway, and I have to say that it's really not as bad as I feared. I play almost exclusively older games, and so far I haven't had any first-hand experience of a game that ran on my Windows 7 system but no longer runs on my Windows 10 system. Compatibility mode is still there, and most workaround people developed over the years work as well. In fact, I have even found that a handful of 90s era Windows games that were almost impossible to get to run under Windows 7, work fine again in Windows 10. So Microsoft seems to even have (accidentally?) improved compatibility with legacy games in some cases.
Breja: This is fantastic, I got downvoted for pointing out that nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were evil :D Perhaps rather than looking for problems with GOG's business model we could start with the fact that on GOG forum it's apparently an unpopular opinion to think that genocide and totalitaranism are bad.
The definition of "evil" depends on many things.

I imagine many hard-core neo-nazi anti-semites would be deeply offended that you think someone who wanted to exterminate all the Jews would be considered "evil".

They also likely think that you're being incredibly intolerant of their racial intolerance. Which they naturally cannot deal with very well, since one of their defining characteristics is their vast intolerance - so even if they wanted to deal with it, they couldn't, as it would forever change their very identity and sense of being.

Not to mention the multiple layers of paradoxes and ironies this kind of thing can cause.

Seriously though, not sure why you felt the need to inform people of this startling opinion of yours - that genocide and totalitarianism are bad. For one, most people that aren't massively racist don't tend to engage with the whole genocide fad - and those that do, obviously enjoy it so you saying it's bad isn't going to change anything. Seriously, people that currently engage in systematically wiping out entire racial/ethnic groups aren't suddenly going to go "woah, genocide is actually bad! Thanks random internet person!"

Also, it depends on the time and context as well. If you lived during a period of time where the only choices are: get slaughtered by asshole enemies invading your country, or helping your own asshole Government defend against the asshole enemy invaders - pretty sure most people would prefer to be ruled by their own asshole Government rather than invaded by a similar foreign Government - unless the foreign Government had a good prospect of actually improving conditions, in which case it'd be a sort of "liberation".

Ironically, when the Nazis invaded Russia initially, many countries in the area were actually hoping that the Nazis would be better than Stalin (yes, he was THAT much of an asshole that the Nazis seemed better). It didn't take them long to figure out that the Nazis were actually much worse (primarily because the Nazi leadership came up with the genius plan to be as brutal as possible to anyone in the East, due to them considering the slavs "sub-human"). So it didn't take long for all invaded regions in the East to be flooded with the most hard-core partisans that ever existed, tying up significant resources just trying to stop people from blowing up railroad tracks or convoys.

Sure, there were seriously screwed-up policies on all sides - the allies just ignored Stalin's atrocities for obvious reasons (although Churchill did show some moral outrage at the time, he was also not an idiot). So all soldiers in the Red Army would have been following whatever those screwed up policies were, just as the Nazis were doing the same on their side. From each of their point of view, what they were doing was justified. Hell, Nazi ideology even had perverted fake sciences to scientifically support their position and justify their actions (incidentally this "science" started well before Nazi Germany, and a lot of this was actually accepted by most Western nations as scientific fact for a long time).
Post edited March 01, 2019 by squid830