fishbaits: Do you get this launcher thing here too?
Venita: The launcher isn't present here.
To the developers:
Bugs easy to repro on a Dell XPS 9560 laptop, but should happen with any of the below.
The game crashes hard if you run it on a 4K desktop resolution and you have a 1050 videocard with 4GB memory. Does not matter whether you use the laptop screen or an external monitor.
Probable cause:
Having a 4K desktop does NOT mean that you are gaming in 4K, however the game defaults to the desktop 4K resolution. I assume it runs out of memory while loading the assets or something similar.
The crash happens after the "observer" title on screen, presumably when the game tries to switch the video resolution - the monitor always shows the usual resolution change behaviour, so it's safe to say it's a scanout resolution change.
Very simple possible fixes:
1, Boot into 1080p max resolution, or less if the desktop is less. Warn the player to change the resolution if it is not the same as the desktop resolution, so people who have better than 1080p gaming setups (ie fast video card) don't miss out.
2, have an initial screen resolution selector
3, if the game crashes, next time it boots offer a resolution change
Temporary work around for players:
Run .\TheObserver\Binaries\Win64\TheObserver-Win64-Shipping executable directly, it will be very slow until you change the resolution, but at least it does not crash...
Once the resolution has been changed, quit the game.
Now you can start the game properly, booting with its desktop launcher icon.
Sound bug:
If you have multiple audio devices, (e.g. in my case speaker/headphone, USB headphone, monitor) the game does not use the primary audio device selected in the system for sound output.
Check what is the active, primary audio device, rather than using the first available device for sound output.
Thank you :)