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Adventure gaming meets Roger Rabbit.

Toonstruck, the adventure game take on Who Framed Roger Rabbit, is now available DRM-free for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux on!

You're Drew Blanc (Christopher Lloyd) - you're an artist, the cartoon kind. But you're also kind of at your wits' end. Your inspiration is gone and you've unfortunately been living up to your name, that's until something-or-other causes you to get sucked into a cartoon world in need of a champion. Toonstruck is a classic point and click adventure with the spirit of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It's real-world footage in a finely animated, saturday-morning cartoon universe that gets a bit too silly - a little too grown-up, a little dangerous.

Get pulled straight into an adventure across a beautifully animated cartoon world, Toonstruck is available now, DRM-free on!
Ben Stein and Christopher Loyd! AAAAHHHHH!!!

I don't know what it is but i want it...
Post edited February 10, 2015 by rtcvb32
This looks weird, lol.
JudasIscariot: Quote from Mobygames:

Virgin never quite recovered from Toonstruck. The cost to produce all that animation (and hire the top voice talent) was enormous, and the game was a commercial flop. This is probably the reason why the sequel, which set up at the game's ending, was never made.

(source: )
Experiment513: But then again: ;-)
I hope it comes true :)
JudasIscariot: I hope it comes true :)
Yeah me too. I've joined the group a while back. I hope more people from GOG will do the same. :)
gamesfreak64: i dont think i have the cds, cause i had to dump alot because of lack of storage space, so i hammerd loads of old stuff with the big hammer :D
kabang... to smithereens
Sounds kind of wasteful. I dropped mine (not for this game but for others) into a CD recycling bin at the library near work. I assume they'll be doing more with them than a big hammer, but you never know.
Post edited February 10, 2015 by deonast
Great release!

Weren't the original creator planned to release a "Director cuts" edition with stuff that were cut from the original game? What happen with that?
Nice release GOG!
Wishlisted for now, my budget took a hit this weekend with all the strategy goodies.
Terpor: People recommended this game for me during one of my Monkey Island streams, so is this game any good? I haven't played or seen this game before?
Forget about Monkey Island and Grim Fandango, THIS is the game you have to play. ;)
Honestly, Toonstruck is far above the more popular titles and with this writing and cast (even the German translation is awesome), I always wondered why it didn't hit the market like a bomb. Bad marketing?
Post edited February 10, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Yeah this is a nice release and all... but you know what would be an even better release?... Freddi Fish 2! In Freddi Fish 2 you can break into kids lockers, steal from a museum, and ram your skull into a rock! who wouldn't want that in their adventure game? :)

Oh, and to those who are going to point it out, no I will not EVER give my money to that one steaming pile of crud that is steam. Just because they have my childhood game and GOG doesn't, DOES NOT mean I will get dirt on my fingers. So, in conclusion, I will never stop pestering GOG in these new releases until I get my way. Do you hear me GOG? I WILL BUY FREDDI FISH 2 FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ingsoc85: Great release!

Weren't the original creator planned to release a "Director cuts" edition with stuff that were cut from the original game? What happen with that?
I don't know. :( It was in the works in 2011 so I guess it got cancelled or delayed or something. :(
Totally unexpected and completely awesome.

This just improved my Tuesday morning no end, I never got to play it back in the day!
Wishlisted for now. $10 USD isn't a good price, especially given current USD-CAD conversion rates.
Oh WOW! Straight outta left field! :D

No idea Interplay had this now! I assumed it would have been a Night Dive release. Well done GOG and co.!
Post edited February 10, 2015 by tfishell