Yay, it's been about week of switching from Skype to IRC with my girlfriend. Almost done, so I have time to continue this mess. On the plus side, my youtube backlog is apparently addressing something being called "Pedogeddon" which sounds related, but I'm betting it is basically about youtube itself.
LootHunter: Funny that you ... Christian with positive emotions.
Absolutely. I think that's specifically how this all ties into loli. Kind of like how people who play with their cats or dogs using their hands end up having issues when friends come over, 'cause the animal applies the same rules to these different people, even if such a thing would not be natural to them. The show My Cat from Hell could pretty much be summarized as a case study of how this manifests specifically in cats. Conditioning seems to work the same way in humans, but we have ways of overriding that conditioning, but it's not always easy.
Again, you talking ... desire for that?
Maybe i should be more blunt: presumably people who would become intersted because of it wouldn't start with it (at least not most). If you're watching pretty women, you would (presumably) be watching something of your age group. Then you see something nice, maybe, at the edge of your age group, but still totally legal, and not even really considered that weird, either, if you're old enough. Before you know it, you're looking much younger, which is largely because, especially when looking at women, we generally prefer those with more time to get pregnant and make babies, which means we'll progressively fight the edges of the uncanny valley, which changes to the overton window movement caused by the conditioning.
It's simple. We ... in earlier childhood.
Usually such people we end up putting in a special program, which is especially practical for things like school that are formalized. Sex, porn, etc, are all a bit less formal. Unless we start issuing "sex IDs" or "Porn IDs" or something like that, there's no way to verify the exceptions to the list. This obviously wouldn't really apply to cartoons, though. And then, instead of the loli debate, we'd be having the "early puberty" discussion instead. As for looking at this from a consent perspective, we actually already did that (minus the research), because legal age of consent is usually centered around laws regarding graduation from public school (where you get your sex-ed and such).
Except population DOES ... populism comes into play.
This goes back to "Virtue Signalling" which we've discussed before in other topics. The action is the important bit.
Lodium: Theres too much too quote and gog cant handle it so. Il answer here instead of quoting somone
There be ways.
Have you even read your own ... not facts at all.
If i'm so contradictory, you should be able to blow apart my arguments quite easily simply by pointing to a few and solidifying how they are clearly in conflict.
There are several scientist ... were talking about.
There really is no consensus on this topic, as far as i know, and like alot of things related to humanity, you find that research often conflicts with the consensus. Worse yet, since this is psychological phenomena, you're not going to get much of anything resembling empiricism without ethical violations (and this is without even delving into loli specifically). Otherwise, you could bet your bottom dollar that someone would've paid to have this research done already, from fundamentalist christians to the social justice movement. There's alot of incentive to be had, here, yet no magical smoking gun?
Besides when you have youth ... There have even been cases where fans of loli have reported real child abusers (people sharing real photos)
Right: your average person objects to rape. However, I've also been places where people would openly talk about molesting children, and often times the average person (who wouldn't be into loli or the such) would actually defend the admitted pedophile's behavior. The important thing was, the average person considered it consensual, hence the opposition. For reference:
1. An IRC room where someone (19 i believe) was openly talking about either molesting or wanting to molest (i forget which, 'cause it was 5-10 years ago) an 11 year old friend of his younger sister 'cause "she was flirty."
2. A member of the Dead or Alive community, who was talking about his boyfriend being on their way to pick them up to keep him as a sex slave (I didn't take it seriously, but i made a report anyway, since the guy was 15, but I was shunned from that sub-group of the community for reporting it to a tip line).
3. A member of a Durarara fandom was trying to recruit voice actors and actresses from their community to do hentai (or so she said), she herself was underage and was trying to recruit people both of the age of consent and underage to "make sex noises," while telling them any number of stories ("it's for a friend who's been through rough times," "it's not
really hentai," etc). I kept records (chat logs and maybe skype calls talking to the "recruits" as well as the woman herself) incase it ever went to court, as one of those potentially recruited was actually the son of a police officer (but nothing happened, aside from me successfully raising a huge stink, but as far as I know she continued the process).
And I say again, in these three cases, the communities as a whole supported what was going on. Third case, however, I did actually get support on, which is ironic, since the person was actually within the law for many cases (since she was underage, but she was in violation of some other laws for trying to set the project up that involved minors).
This is a far cry from your statement that looking at porn will have the effect that these youngsters doing bad behavior against girls or boys especially if they have proper sex ed in school.
That's a strawman, argument: I'm not making that statement. I'm stating that porn, in general, affects attractions. If attractions manifest as urges that cannot be sated ethically, there are going to be a subgroup of people who are going to abandon those ethics at opportunity.
I want to say that this is small, but my experience when dealing with people tells me that this isn't as small as we'd like. But that's just a whole other can of worms that I don't think we need to get into.
And no When talking about a ... adult life.
Oh, it's very related. Parents are projecting their ideals onto their child, even if it's not particularly ethical. In my opinion, thus must be stopped: you're lying to children to make yourself feel good, and very rarely, if ever, actually about the welfare of the child. We like to tell ourselves that it is, but i've seldom heard any strong arguments why santa must be alive and magical flying deer instead of just saying he was a man who lived long ago who did all these things when he was alive. We specifically expect innocence of a child because we "make them innocent." A child who has lived through a warzone is going to react as such. A child who is unaware of the consequences of stripping for the camera will likely do so in exchange for in game points if the game is important enough, which is another reason why this innocence thing isn't good for children. What benefit do the children get from having no understanding of how the world really is? We assume innocence because we hide the world from them, or attempt to, anyway. But, that's another topic for another day.
As one younster put it : Quote : Alan said, ‘[p]orn was a good thing. It helped me feel less confused about myself. Quote end.
So if he didnrt have porn he woud have been more confused and maybe even raped or done a bad sexual behavior???
or maybe he woud have been confused in other ways, human psyche is complicated...
Exposing children to porn is a separate topic from exposing them to sex or making porn out
of figurative children. Right now, we generally try to restrict that until "age of consent," which means they're not kept from it until a later date, not kept from it for the entirety of their lives. Whether or not that's OK, that's a different topic. That seems to be a right reserved for parents and teachers, at the moment, which is probably where it's going to stay for a while. While a parent may not sexually molest a child, a parent can give their children playboys and expose them to pornography in most places, and sex-ed in schools pretty much mandates exposing children to porn. I think, but i'm not sure, the reason for this is because it's not only easy for adults to undermine a parent's wishes otherwise, but exposing people to material is often a method of solicitation.