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Magic, love, horror, lots of pretty pictures.

Brush up on your reading skills and prepare for another wave of the feelz: a new batch of visual novels is here.

Take a peek:

Ne No Kami: The Princess Knights of Kyoto and Part 2 (55% off): Despite the supernatural events of the recent past, the people of Kyoto prefer to lead their lives in denial. But suddenly, a young girl will receive a cryptic message from an old friend and be awakened both spiritually and sexually. Get the Extra Story DLC taking place after Part 2 and also the Soundtrack for your collection (25% off).

The Falconers: Moonlight (60% off): A small mining town in New Zealand is gripped by fear as people get killed or go missing on a regular basis. Cassandra Winter and the brave Falconers are their only hope!

Da Capo 3 R (15% off): New friendships, new love, and lots of new trouble await doe-eyed Kiyotaka and Himeno at Royal London Magic Academy.

Mhakna Gramura and Fairy Bell (20%): A sweet tale about two orphans trying to escape the fate of being turned into animals by the mean lady running the dreaded establishment. But will their journey lead them to a better place or have they been deceived once more?
Grab the Soundtrack for your collection.

All discounts last until January 29th, 2pm UTC. Check all the deals here.
Apcarne: I can't help but notice that all the VNs on GOG currently seem to be the type aimed at a male audience. I'd love to see some otome games on here. (Would also love to see more gender-neutral non-fanservicey type mystery/horror/SF VNs as well.)
(GOG ate my post again. Retrying.)
Apcarne: I can't help but notice that all the VNs on GOG currently seem to be the type aimed at a male audience. I'd love to see some otome games on here. (Would also love to see more gender-neutral non-fanservicey type mystery/horror/SF VNs as well.)
The House in Fata Morgana (gothic romance/horror), Hatoful Boyfriend (otome/comedy/black comedy/horror/gay romance), Kindred Spirits on the Roof (yuri for women), Monster Prom (dating sim with stats), Cinders (feminist Cinderella, otome-ish, three dudes to pick from, no stats) and Solstice (supernatural mystery) are all girly
(listed in order of decreasing girliness).

Additionally, Fault and Fairy Bell look ok, but I haven't played them so can't say for sure.

Lucumo: Hm? What about the Higurashi and Umineko stuff? Fata morgana no Yakata? What about Hatoful Boyfriend? Even the new releases are 50/50.
I give you Fata Morgana and Hatoful Boyfriend, but the Higurashi/Umineko series are creepy (and not in a good way), and of the recent batch, only Fairy Bell looks ok. (Falconers is written by Edwin McRae, a massive racist sped palling around with Woke Twitter, at most two handshakes to ground zero. Nothing by him can possibly be woman-friendly.)

clarry: Huh, I thought GOG released plenty of yuri stuff here. I thought that's generally kinda.. targeting females? I guess?
Apcarne: No, yuri is targeting a male audience in the same way that lesbian porn targets a male audience. Yaoi/BL targets a female audience (and I haven't seen any of that on here, not that I've been looking closely or that I'm saying that's what I want). All the yuri is 100% part of what I was including in my observation that it seems to be mostly male-targeted games. (That's not to say that all men like yuri. Again, I'm talking *target audience*, not the entirety of who enjoys the games.)

And I'm not saying that no females enjoy yuri or harem or male-aimed sexual games targeted at a male audience. Some do, sure. That doesn't mean they're made for women to enjoy.

Also, I think it's a little disingenuous to count Hatoful Boyfriend as otome. I see people classifying it as such often, and the thing is, it's really more of a parody of otome. The "hot guys" are birds and you can't do anything to make them not look like birds. The eye candy factor is removed. That doesn't mean it's not an interesting game or not worth playing, but it's clearly not a regular otome female-romance-fantasy game.
I agree with the rest of your post, but Hatoful Boyfriend is otome and BL. The hot guys show up once as hot guys in the remake, and the people in the epic thread (who played the birds-only original) were quite taken with the romances.

A recommendation

If you liked Hatoful Boyfriend, I recommend Fata Morgana. The plot treats women kinda shittily in the ending (in particular, the lesbian turns into a feminist!!!! cock slut), the main character has the looks of a washed-up youtuber and the personality of a garden gnome, and the love interest's relentless positivity is cringier than a corporate pep talk when the stock falls 85% in a day, but the first half is great (provided you like gothic horror). I'm rather unforgiving when it comes to bad politics in games, but this was time and money well spent.

(Yeah, I know the product page is written like it's BDSM fetish porn. It's nothing like that, no fanservice either, and no wish-fulfillment unless your wish is to make boring judicial speeches in UK criminal courts.)

Environment art looks like a photo of a puddle of vomit that went through the bowels of the internet and ended up at 9gag, which is presumably why all but one screenshot on the game page are cutscenes. Other art ranges from passable to good but the style varies (the characters are still recognizable by their distinctive features).

The music is original and almost all awesome (the third vignette in particular was nearly impossible to read because of its infectious songs). The lyrics are in bad Portuguese (not that I could tell); Portuguese text and English translations are provided with the soundtrack DLC or, eventually, in the Extras section within the game. Don't buy the live concert DLC, though, it's just a video of people hanging out at a club, talking about the game and playing some songs from it, and the lady doesn't always hit the right notes.

There are a handful of choices branching into several normal deaths, several partial endings and one true ending. It's possible to save before making a choice, and if you write down the choices in a separate text file, you'll never get stuck IRL. There's fast forward and a history button which is occasionally useful.
Post edited January 23, 2019 by Starmaker
liltimmypoccet: You're allowed to enjoy your sick porn and I'm allowed to point out the fact that it's sick. Just don't try to rationalize the whole thing and pretend that it is a sane thing to watch.

GOG should show more respect to people who don't want to be exposed to that content.
Sweetie you lost the moral highground the moment you confessed to not being staunchly against bestiality. Your posts contribute nothing, your "reviews" contribute nothing, you aren't spurring anything remotely resembling "thoughtful discussion," you aren't changing anyone's views, and you aren't going to incite any sort of change in the site at large. Why are you here?

As for GoG, you would have to take that up with GoG; click that "Support" button at the top of the page to get started.
Post edited January 24, 2019 by DDDespair
liltimmypoccet: Why would I complain about bestiality on a PC gaming forum of a site that doesn't distribute such content? Talk about backwards logic.
LOL You're so obsessed with complaining about something you don't like because it's degenerate, yet you won't campaign against the real degeneracy where you live? You're the illogical one bud.
clarry: Huh, I thought GOG released plenty of yuri stuff here. I thought that's generally kinda.. targeting females? I guess?
Apcarne: No, yuri is targeting a male audience
Not really, the demographic split should be about 60/40 (give or take) at most, unlike Yaoi/BL where the female audience clearly dominates.
Ophelium: Promoting feudal superstitions
Telika: Woah. Wait a minute, there...
Lolis aren't real.
Don't really know much about it, but I'll give The Falconers a shot.
Let's not forget that everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as it doesn't involve the usage of abusive, hateful or otherwise inappropriate language, and/or taking any other actions that are against our forums guidelines.
Telika: Woah. Wait a minute, there...
Ophelium: Lolis aren't real.
This explains a lot (starting with what is a loli, why have i never heard of that thing and whether I should care). But, as I was just skimming through the thread, I had just the mind blown by "Promoting feudal superstitions" as a reason for censorship. Even just within the Chinese context, is that applied, can it be applied, what would or wouldn't qualifiy, how does it work ? And what if it was applied in other countries ? Religion, homeopathy, flat earthing, ghosts sightings, astrology, witchcraft, so many little tongue in cheek rituals and festivals, wham, imagine the crackdown.

So yeah, totally off topic, but I'm intensely amused and mind-boggled by this sentence. And now genuinely curious about how it is used, legally.
high rated
chandra: Let's not forget that everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as it doesn't involve the usage of abusive, hateful or otherwise inappropriate language, and/or taking any other actions that are against our forums guidelines.
liltimmypoccet: So pedophile is a taboo word here? Please suggest me an appropriate synonym so I can share my opinion and not break the rules.
Pedophile might not be a taboo word but calling those playing certain games pedophiles can surely be considered to be an insult which clearly violates forum rules.
Post edited January 24, 2019 by MarkoH01
high rated
chandra: Let's not forget that everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as it doesn't involve the usage of abusive, hateful or otherwise inappropriate language, and/or taking any other actions that are against our forums guidelines.
Let's also not forget that lil is bleepbl00p, who refuses to shop here and thus ONLY HANGS OUT IN HERE to give shit to people and tell them what a horrible place GOG is.

Do you think if I hung out in a restaurant all day, refusing to order, telling people how bad the food is, they'd let me stay there?
Post edited January 24, 2019 by tinyE
tinyE: Do you think if I hung out in a restaurant all day, refusing to order, telling people how bad the food is, they'd let me stay there?
If Starbucks incident was any indication, they wouldn't have a choice but to leave you alone (unless you are a white straight man).
low rated
Breja: I get it, I'm a terrible person for thinking that games of obviously sexual nature with characters wearing school uniforms are creepy and I should be ashamed that such images aren't something I want to be greeted with when I log in.
It's a good thing, you understand that.
Telika: This explains a lot (starting with what is a loli, why have i never heard of that thing and whether I should care). But, as I was just skimming through the thread, I had just the mind blown by "Promoting feudal superstitions" as a reason for censorship. Even just within the Chinese context, is that applied, can it be applied, what would or wouldn't qualifiy, how does it work ? And what if it was applied in other countries ? Religion, homeopathy, flat earthing, ghosts sightings, astrology, witchcraft, so many little tongue in cheek rituals and festivals, wham, imagine the crackdown.

So yeah, totally off topic, but I'm intensely amused and mind-boggled by this sentence. And now genuinely curious about how it is used, legally.
It's certainly applied but mostly to religion and philosophy because they can erode loyalty to the "State". The burden of proof is on the person rather than the government because they can totally do that. And we don't really hear about what happens to dissidents besides being thrown in jail.

And other countries try to apply different variations of that law to varying degrees of success. It depends on how totalitarian the government is.

As for what loli is, read this. It explains what it is without demonizing it.
low rated
Telika: I had just the mind blown by "Promoting feudal superstitions" as a reason for censorship. Even just within the Chinese context, is that applied, can it be applied, what would or wouldn't qualifiy, how does it work ? And what if it was applied in other countries ? Religion, homeopathy, flat earthing, ghosts sightings, astrology, witchcraft, so many little tongue in cheek rituals and festivals, wham, imagine the crackdown.

So yeah, totally off topic, but I'm intensely amused and mind-boggled by this sentence. And now genuinely curious about how it is used, legally.
I think it is used the same way as "Promoting hate speech".
Ophelium: I had a reply and the site ate it. I'm too tired to type it out again.

Short version: Devs don't want to be held accountable, retailers don't want to invite controversy, and rules may vary from country to country.
kohlrak: Devs ultimately are the ones to be held accountable, whether for censorship or making games, at least that's how it is in the current set up.

As for retailers not wanting controversy, they're passing up an opportunity to stand out above their competition. Some sites at this point are known for being free speech zones for some of these games, but they're also notorious for untranslated versions, iirc. For me, that's not a problem. I got a PS4 for christmas, and i bought Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy 零式 (Final Fantasy Type-0) from just so i could have the original japanese versions so i'm not playing this stupid game of censorship, bad translations, etc. Unfortunately, not everyone is gifted with my abilities, so it's on behalf of these people i argue.

As for laws varying from country to country, the current solutions aren't working, so we need to actually develop a proper solution. But, we won't, so long as we're willing to cave all the time.

Sabin_Stargem: I dislike how GOG only distributes all-ages VNs. It tells me that GOG doesn't respect their customer's maturity.
kohlrak: I normally don't care, but since there's the implication that people who might be interested in trying something are now buying what they think is uncensored, only to find out later that it is censored, i find that annoying ,especially when they can't even provide The Witcher (i understand it's a separate sister-company) in an all-ages version. It's blatant hypocrisy the moment they're making demands of devs. I'm really curious how this affects cyberpunk, as well. No sex will lead to a disappointed customer, but having sex in the game then releasing it on gog without requiring a de-censor patch will very, very likely result in the VN crowd exploding, and rightfully so.

liltimmypoccet: Food attracts murderers, should we ban food? What an ignorant comparison.
kohlrak: I'm glad you see my point.

What if we banned it? It's not like we would lose anything of value. It is absolutely worthless and offers zero cultural value, unlike the national anthem.
kohlrak: That's funny, i see other people arguing that it does have cultural significance. Oh, it's from "their culture." Ok, so should we ban stuff from other cultures, too? Just because you see no value in that which is being censored doesn't mean that someone else doesn't. Who are you to say what does and does not have enough value to be banned? Give someone the power to censor what you don't like, and you will give them the same power to censor the things that you do like. Conservative Christians like myself are feeling this right now, hardcore, when i'm told I can't read my bible (to myself) in public institutions such as schools. Being threatened over my bible gave me a wakeup call that even degenerate stuff nees protected, because in the end, if it's not the thing government or whomever likes at the time, it's automatically degenerate.

Loli IS child porn and only those with issues watch that.
kohlrak: Loli, in theory, is child porn, but it's not really htat simple. And something isn't magically "loli" simply because something appears to depict minors. How old are these girls? Here's a hint, they're old enough to be worried about menopause. If they appeared in the nude, would it be "loli" or "child porn," or if they were drawn as a cartoon, would that apply? Their real age does come out in other pictures a little bit better, so you can say "but makeup," and i return with "and Japan is famous for it's makeup culture, and i imagine we should expect things from Japan to reflect that."

Sabin_Stargem: I kinda agree, in the sense that it would be nice for customers to configure their storefront to present items of interest. I personally dislike sports games, don't want MMOs, but desire lots of anime and cartoon-styled games. Unfortunately, Steam keeps pushing the realistic sports-mmo combo onto to me. Their anti-tag system is also bad, because it is too hardcore: Xenoverse 2 was invisible to me until I ditched the massively-multiplayer tag.

I don't want anyone to be deprived of their cup of tea, but I would like to easily find my mug of coffee. Whoever manages to create an effective recommendation filter will dominate their market.
kohlrak: I can get behind that, but "we need better filters" is a far cry from "burn the loli that isn't even loli!!"
Il also add theres a lot fantasy creatures that sometimes have offspring doing variuos activities in the realm of Art.
Demon Offspring and other creatues wich goes under the loli tag.
Loli is not my taste, but i see no reason to deny those that like this stuff to get it
and i leave it to the court/law/police to decide if its illegal unless im absolutly sure it crosses the line between fantasy and reality.
In Such cases i simply report it to my local law enforcement.
Post edited January 25, 2019 by Lodium