BlueMooner: The game should be identical, no?
MaximumBunny: Yeah. I just didn't hear anything about the old installers being removed and replaced for people who had the classic version on their account. It was free so I shouldn't feel like I was duped, but I was certainly surprised.
It's the game we own, I think, not the installers per se. Would be kinda silly for GOG to have new installers for new buyers, but keep old installers solely for old owners I'd say. So long as the game is the same, the installers shouldn't matter.
Hell, I usually don't even care about launchers unless there's a really cool one I like, such as one I found for kotor 1.
Maighstir: the Bethesda releases lack several extras and the OS X installers.
Well that sucks. Guess I shouldn't update my downloads then.