fronzelneekburm: It had gone sour with IV already.
Geez, that is one shitty game! Don't know about the non-PC versions, but the PC version has to be one of the crummiest, most shoddily put together things that ever sold as a triple-A title. There's DRM on top of your DRM on top of your DRM (so much that until fairly recently, saving your game was pretty much impossible), it looks ugly as fuck and the framerate tanks even on modern systems. I can barely get 40 FPS out of this damn thing on a fairly new machine, how did people play this 11 years ago?
Oh yeah, and the fact that they keep pulling songs with each update.
IV is an absolute, inexcusable trainwreck.
MysterD: I love GTA4 for its story & characters - but yeah, that game's performance on the PC was awful. Ran and performed terribly.
And it was also saddled with the awful GFWL Client too.
GFWL was removed in the latest Steam version it got merged with all addons and had Steamworks added to it, and the multiplayer removed from it, and renamed as GTAIV: Complete Edition.
MysterD: DOOM 2016 is definitely another one. Does anyone even play this for the MP?
DOOM 2016 is awesome. Again, another games I'd love to see its MP split away from it...b/c of size and DRM-FREE purposes for the Single Player.
All of these games w/ MP-style Skirmish modes - TBH, they should have bot support and I should be able to play these offline to battle the game's AI/bots. Think Quake 3: Arena.
I never finished DOOM. It felt more Painkiller to me than Doom so I got bored.
But the thing about these games are if developers are so worried (such as Take-Two were saying when they attempted to remove mods for GTA) then make the MP side separate.
It should really be common sense now days that players on the PC will usually want to mod single player content. And to me that should be embraced, as it shows the love for your game but also the creative side of people. (Some of the mods for GTA are crazy.)
But they should not do a Bethesda and charge people for mods.