TentacleMayor: Sigh, is that what we're doing now? Is the industry so out of ideas that they're just rereleasing previously successful games? And usually doing a poor job of it?
I would say the media industry is out of ideas for years now. At last when it comes to the high budged stuff.
We got new stuff for series and movies that are several decades old (90210 for example...), additions to franchies nobody needs (Star Wars stuff wasn't that well recived, Star Trek neither as it seems) or we got thrown to death by comic movies.
And inbetween a new Top Gun (I doubt they would let people fly at THAT age...), some "books for girls" movies and why not remaking the old Disney cartoons with CGI for hitting the uncaney valley wall with full speed.
New books of the Panem and Twilight-Series are on their way too.
And when talking about games, Remakes or Remasters, while Ubisoft is more or less is doing the same game over and over again, when they found a working base. And we don't need to talk about Activision/Blizzard.
And Indies - hey, do you want Metrovania Nr XYZ with one little twist and the "boy what that a good time for me" 16 bit graphics. (Sometimes pixel look is ok, but I'm so tired...)
While I had to laugh about a game who was advertising the PS1 (or was it the N64) style grapic. I think it is on GoG too.
There is unique and well done stuff. Don't get me wrong.
But much more wants to hit the "nostalgia" button on us. Remember your youth with much fewer problems. Everything was much better then.
We even got the soundtrack from back then.
When talking about hairstyles, we might have taken to many stepps back. Sometimes it seems like we are in the 1930/40 again...
The game is on sale right now Anodyne 2 :D