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low rated
fronzelneekburm: RE: Factorio

Considering gog have proven themselves time and time again to be the most feeble, weak-kneed cowards on the block, does that mean they will remove Factorio from the store any time soon? Place your bets!
Only if Supreme Highgod Pooh demands it.
low rated
Six minutes! Impressive!

Can I get low rated in 4 minutes?

You can do it! I believe in you! GO FOR IT, TIGER! REACH FOR THE STARS! THE SKY'S THE LIMIT!
low rated
Darvond: "Being Canceled" is just dumbass newspeak for "Having to deal with consequences". You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

You could've just said "I have near 0(if not exactly 0) empathy for those I disagree with or dislike" and saved yourself a ton of typing.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: Six minutes! Impressive!

Can I get low rated in 4 minutes?

You can do it! I believe in you! GO FOR IT, TIGER! REACH FOR THE STARS! THE SKY'S THE LIMIT!
5 minutes lol Imagine if they put this kind of energy into productivity,
low rated
Took ya more than 5 minutes. I am disappointed by your underperformance. :(

MichaelD.965: 5 minutes lol Imagine if they put this kind of energy into productivity,
Sad, innit? It wasn't that long ago that special people would indulge in pastimes like discussing Star Trek or collecting rare issue models of PEZ dispensers. Now they're reduced to compulsively hitting red buttons in an obscure gaming forum. How the mighty have fallen!
low rated
I just realized that every single post in his thread, without fail, is getting down-voted.
Post edited June 22, 2021 by MichaelD.965
low rated
my name is capitayn catte: My stance on Scott Cawthon is that he didn't do anything wrong, but actions still have consequences. If you want to make your politics public you can expect boycotts from some people. Nothing justifies threats though, screw those people. He has not been cancelled, but being harassed is bad.
Just wanted to say I agree for the most part with this bit.
(no need to reply I see you've decided to retire from the thread)


Canuck_Cat: Yet for some reason, I was blindly neg bombed from high rated in a matter of minutes in realtime while writing responses on cancel culture.
It's because the trolls have seemingly put the thread on their low rate scripts....everyone is being rated down in here now.

Canuck_Cat: Now I can fully appreciate why the GD forum community is so incredibly poor.
Well tbf, the whole community isn't poor....just ones like the ones using the aforementioned scripts and a few other bad eggs. Many others are very nice and helpful.
Post edited June 22, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
MichaelD.965: I just realized that every single post in his thread, without fail, is getting down-voted.
That's what makes it so funny (in a somewhat tragicomic way). Imagine someone being this butthurt.
"Waaaah, people are talking about stuff on the internet! I gotta put a stop to this! Waaaaah!
low rated
fronzelneekburm: Sad, innit? It wasn't that long ago that special people would indulge in pastimes like discussing Star Trek or collecting rare issue models of PEZ dispensers. Now they're reduced to compulsively hitting red buttons in an obscure gaming forum. How the mighty have fallen!
I hear ya.

Now if it were me, i'd be spending my precious time on this earth doing near anything else....including things like, I dunno, playing the games bought from this store(also: you put me in the screencap...w00t!).


As to the main topic and cancel culture:

I've often noted how a number of the same people who deny it exists/claim it's justified will then turn around and admit it exists/decry it when it happens to them.
Post edited June 22, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
lol, some of my posts are back in the neutral. Downboat harder! xD

Tell ya what, let's foster some positivity! If all the posts in this thread are "High rated" by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'll do a giveaway of a surprise gog game of my choice!
low rated
fronzelneekburm: lol, some of my posts are back in the neutral. Downboat harder! xD
Ya spoke too soon....they came back sharks in chum filled waters.
(well sad little sharks who sit in front of their PCs clicking red buttons, I mean)

fronzelneekburm: Tell ya what, let's foster some positivity! If all the posts in this thread are "High rated" by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'll do a giveaway of a surprise gog game of my choice!
I wonder if it'll be the game I think it'll be.....;D


(btw, i'm thinking of possibly holding a giveaway of my own soon everyone might want to stay tuned)


Back ontopic.....a bit of musing on the whole "actions have consequences" line being bandied about so much:

Yes, a number of actions have consequences...."natural consequences", that is.

Thing is, however, a good number of the ones that come as a result of cancel culture are unnatural ones forced upon others(and pretty often based on false information and/or dumb things people said years and years ago)....usually by petty individuals and trolls engaging in modern day witch hunts.

Sometimes I wish/hope/dream that humanity could move beyond such pettiness, but then the realist in me realize the likelihood of such things and it saddens me a bit.....still, "crazy" me still holds out some hope nonetheless.

In short: just because actions have consequences, that doesn't mean others should try to MAKE consequences for others they dislike and/or disagree with
Post edited June 22, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
fronzelneekburm: RE: Factorio

Considering gog have proven themselves time and time again to be the most feeble, weak-kneed cowards on the block, does that mean they will remove Factorio from the store any time soon? Place your bets!
The fuck they will. GOG is following the money, and Factorio is very profitable game.
low rated
GamezRanker: I've often noted how a number of the same people who deny it exists/claim it's justified will then turn around and admit it exists/decry it when it happens to them.
Hypocrisy is their main weapon. They don't even think about what it would feel like in reverse. If it happens to them, it is a horrible and unacceptable thing but when dishing it out? No remorse whatsoever.

I will once again plug Arch's channel. He did a very good series on the importance of gatekeeping and in general, covers nonsense stuff like this. So for anyone interested:

fronzelneekburm: lol, some of my posts are back in the neutral. Downboat harder! xD

Tell ya what, let's foster some positivity! If all the posts in this thread are "High rated" by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'll do a giveaway of a surprise gog game of my choice!
This thread could be used as an experiment for how many upvotes exactly would it take to bring a post into positive. Get a group of people, pick a random post and upvote it one by one until it becomes high rated. At least we would know the number of bots/downvoter accounts.
Post edited June 22, 2021 by idbeholdME
low rated
idbeholdME: I will once again plug Arch's channel. He did a very good series on the importance of gatekeeping and in general, covers nonsense stuff like this. So for anyone interested:
Thanks for the recommendation...might check it out some day. :)
(if I remember to and can make time, that is, but it seems good so i'll put some extra effort in to do such)
low rated
Looks like haters lost this round against Factorio: nobody should be attacked for having different opinion
Post edited June 22, 2021 by Orkhepaj