Posted August 14, 2021
low rated
The Intellivion Amico as I understand it, is an attempt by Steven Tyler's less famous cousin to grift on a brand that was a second banana in a third rate race via the means of swooping like a vulture over the ailing founder of a brand that was more interested in preserving the creation than profit.
And it is a disaster. Which is well on the way to becoming non-existent vaporware.
Say, if you were a CEO attempting to launch a new retro styled console in a cutthroat saturated market that'll have your head for looking the wrong way, would you:
Go out of your way to personally belittle a sub 250k Youtube channel and call the persona behind that channel a Gaming Racist?
Threaten to sue a journalist who found a spec sheet somewhere on your own website?
Demand that your software follow a set of arbitrary rules such as "No open/roaming 3d"?
Bury the lead on telling your investors of your third product delay?
Go on a drunken rant, no matter what context? (2:59:00)
Call the Switch a rape console?
(No really)
I could keep going for a while, there's a farm's worth of crap to shovel. But I feel I've made my point: This is not a project being handled professionally, and I'd like to take a stick, and start beating on the dead horse.
Discussion questions: Had you heard of the Amico beforehand? Do you think this is actually going to launch?
And it is a disaster. Which is well on the way to becoming non-existent vaporware.
Say, if you were a CEO attempting to launch a new retro styled console in a cutthroat saturated market that'll have your head for looking the wrong way, would you:
Go out of your way to personally belittle a sub 250k Youtube channel and call the persona behind that channel a Gaming Racist?
Threaten to sue a journalist who found a spec sheet somewhere on your own website?
Demand that your software follow a set of arbitrary rules such as "No open/roaming 3d"?
Bury the lead on telling your investors of your third product delay?
Go on a drunken rant, no matter what context? (2:59:00)
Call the Switch a rape console?
(No really)
I could keep going for a while, there's a farm's worth of crap to shovel. But I feel I've made my point: This is not a project being handled professionally, and I'd like to take a stick, and start beating on the dead horse.
Discussion questions: Had you heard of the Amico beforehand? Do you think this is actually going to launch?
Post edited August 14, 2021 by Darvond