idbeholdME: For me, they've been going down the drain since WoW. There was a spark of hope with Starcraft 2 but then nothing.
Their games started to interest me less and less over time. Diablo 4 might be the last game from them I'll ever try. They are pushing multiplayer and always online waaay too much.
That's arguably been their modus operandi since Starcraft 1.
Blizzard is a pioneer in the Online Gaming scene.
As to the boycott. I have ultimately come to accept that Gaming Boycotts are meaningless. Just only buy something that truly interest you.
I am definitely keeping an eye on Diablo 4's development if anything looks good and cautious as to whether its worth it or not.
Shadowlands is looking to be an improvement over Battle for Azeroth, but I am not gonna bother pre-ordering.
But I am not too interested in Overwatch 2 despite the hours I put into the first game.
I was burned by Warcraft 3 Reforged though :(