Posted October 21, 2022
bluethief: I believe if GOG were to release Silent Hill 2 and 3, they would've done it back when they got Silent Hill 4: The Room and the Metal Gear titles in the store in 2020.
The reason that didn't happen is most likely because, as stupid as it sounds, Konami lost the source code for 2 and 3:
And since those HD remaster never came to PC, the originals are, well, lost so unless they somehow recover them, I guess we should have no expectations about them getting released, unfortunately.
Spectrum_Legacy: I'm glad those "remasters" didn't come to pc, they are a disgrace. Source code being lost is a great shame...such a cult ip as SH didn't deserve this neglect. However that still doesn't prevent Konami to re-release the original PC versions again (talking about SH2 and 3 obviously). Perhaps with some goodwill and community patches/wrappers included, which would fix many things along with improving compatibility with modern OS. The reason that didn't happen is most likely because, as stupid as it sounds, Konami lost the source code for 2 and 3:
And since those HD remaster never came to PC, the originals are, well, lost so unless they somehow recover them, I guess we should have no expectations about them getting released, unfortunately.